Man, it's been a while for this thread. Brought over from "the happiest thing..."
My 2 cents: Actually, I rather like when people use such names, as was evident from my complement to FDM. While I understand your problem that people can't live up to it, I see it quite differently. I see the net as a place where many people can project a different side of themselves. Not always vastly different, and it also need not be anti-thetical to their IRL personality, but just different. And choices of avatars, usernames, signatures, and all that are insights and an extension of this online personality. Having something like "Far Dareis Mai" tells me more about her than Pontus.B tells me about you. We ALL know she's not a maiden of the spear, but I figure some part of her identifies with them, and, to a certain extent, may even idealize them. Of course, the only way to know what she's actually like is through communication which is the entire point of boards like this one.