Your nicks...

Hmm yes, maybe it would.
But I'd like to add that my views of Loke and his daughter as evil, is the pure fact that Loke betrayed Balder, and treachery should be considered one of the greatest crimes in existense. And Balder? Why Balder?
Which reminds me. I have another belief, that when one of the Æsir is killed in Asgard, they may obtain a human form here in Midgard. If I am correct, one of my friends is the worldly incarnate of Balder. No doubt about it.
For when one of us die in combat, we might rise to Asgard. Why shouldn't it work the other way around?
Hel can hardly be the daughter of Loke. She has been worshipped (they didn't sacrifice anything to her until the Vanir came) as long as there has been ppl up here. Usually most ppl say that is for about 8000 years, but those saying that refuse to say anything about how that can be explained when there are found evidence of ppl being here when the land was covered with the glacier. (Fosna- og Komsafolket - that means they might have come here in the interglacial period 28 000 to 35 000 years ago). Loke only came to exisctence when the Vanir came. Before that there hadn't been any gods, (except the glacier itself, if you will), only mother earth, which Hel is a name for, and who holds all aspects of life and death.
Further, betray was exactly what the Vanir did to the Jotnir in the second ancient war. In the first they had sided with the Æsir at first. Then they went over to the Jotnir because they figured they needed their wisdom when the climate worsened and came close to a new ice age about 3500 to 4000 years ago- and got Volva to tell about the future - in Voluspå. Then, in the next war, they sided with the Æsir all the way through (this is when the Æsir and the Vanir exchanged hostages, and Frøy, Frøya and Njord were adopted as Æsir), and the Jotnir were more or less exstinguished, because they stood no chance agains the strong warrior peoples. Still we don't call the Vanir evil. This just depends on which side you're on - who are your enemies and who are your friends.

About your friend: That sounded very interesting! And you're right; it should work both ways, not just one.
Back to Hel, she is afaik the daughter of Loke and the giantess Angerboda. The only earth godess I know by name is Jord (one of Odins wives and also the mother of Tor.)

As for us Vanir betraying the Jotne, well, serves them right for being, uh, in our way!

And this friend of mine... Well, he is always happy and cheerful, almost as good looking as myself ;) (if I'm allowed to say that about another guy, hmph. If not, his sister is one of the most beautiful females on the planet), I've never even seen him slightly annoyed. I can't really even picture him as anything but happy.
That about Hel being their daughter is a later construction. Angerboda was a jotne, hence a daughter of Hel. All goddesses are aspects of mother earth. The difference here is that some represents all aspects, as do Hel (and for instance Isis, and also Ama/Amma/Ema/Emma are names for the same goddess), while others only represents one aspect. That is like Frøya; love and human fertility, Frigga; the steady love of a mother, or a steady relationship in a marriage, Siv; vigorous nature, growth and agriculture. Up here north, all goddesses are of jotne family: Goddesses belong to nature religion, because no human became a god until patriarchism came to exist.

If Loke is evil for betraying you Vanir, then you must be evil for betraying the Jotnir. Doesn't matter _why_ you betray. You were the one who said betraying = evil in the first place.
Besides, Loke also helps the Æsir and the Vanir. For instance with building Åsgard.
well, i taken my nickname from title Enslaved's album "Eld" a few years ago. i written as Eld in my job (i'm editor in computer games magazine) and it was my nick on irc too (now is EnterHaos). anyway in UM forums whos have Eld first, so i changed to Eldzik. that's all...
I agree with Fjell, when she says that Hel isn't as she's pictured in the Edda tales...

Those tales where made fitting rather than gathered from those who told them - remember that the lands where norse mythology was religion were already christianized in large parts at that time.
And even before, gods came up and gone each few years. Along the western coast of Norway, for example, a new kind of paganism arose shortly before christianity came to the land I think, and so Heimdall entered the pantheon. Just an example.

Or then, the Saxon's and other German "main" god - Ziu. Later he was set to be the same person as Tyr. It was very different from region to region. Many deities were more important in this part of the land, while others were more important in others. And then there were deitied, like Hel and Ziu, who were adapted to the norse mythology from beliefs older than it. And those beliefs mustn't ahve been necessarily polytheistis, or if the were polytheistic, there were few VERY important deities in them. Hel was one of those, until the Edda's been written. One shouldn't take the written word for thr truth about a religion, that was based on oral inheritance...

Just go and figure out four yourself, I say. Igf you believe that some deity is not evil, as others might say, then it is truly fine :) And I for my part do also not believe in Hel as the daughter of Loke. Remeber, some I know see in her the goddess of spring, and thus, the return of life. Quite contrary to the death-queen?! :)
Originally posted by Eldzik
well, i taken my nickname from title Enslaved's album "Eld" a few years ago. i written as Eld in my job (i'm editor in computer games magazine) and it was my nick on irc too (now is EnterHaos). anyway in UM forums whos have Eld first, so i changed to Eldzik. that's all...

Ok, so I'm fine with the short Eld. :)
Eld means fire, but I guess you already knew. :)

edit: Ok I just noticed that they've translated it on the official site,
so I am sure you knew.. hehe (I don't have that album)
@Enlil: yes, i know... btw: in finnish fire means TULI and it's my current nick at work ;) sounds better than ELD :D besides i don't listen too much Enslaved like 4-5 years ago...
Liandrin is a girls name..

But i'm a boy.. Note that..

The Name Liandrin is taken from the fantasybooks The Dragon Reborn.

Liandrin is a wizard (Aes Sedai). In the red Group. The red groups mission is to kill all men who can use magic.

But Liandrin betrays her friends and joins the forces of darkness and goes out to kill the one man (The Dragon) who can save the world..

The Dragon Reborn is 18 books and much better then Lord of the rings
It's only now that this thread has been resurrected that I noticed it. So here's my little, uninteresting explanation of my nickname:

I first created Somber Soul for the old site-integrated Dark Tranquillity EzBoard. It was a sudden occurrence and has stuck with me ever since. I've been using this nick all over the Internet. ;)

I guess "somber soul" denotes a certain disposition. The permanent element of melancholy and sadness in one's soul. So, in a way, it partly describes me. And it's a cool alliteration. ;)
Salira, was a name I made up for a rolemater charekter, a warriormage, later I found out that it is quite used, and are supposed to mean something, not that nice in Italien, but the guy i spoke to, wouldn´t tell me what...
Originally posted by Salira
Salira, was a name I made up for a rolemater charekter, a warriormage, later I found out that it is quite used, and are supposed to mean something, not that nice in Italien, but the guy i spoke to, wouldn´t tell me what...

Welcome Salira :) the only word i can think to similar to Salira in italian is "salirà" (with the accent on last a) that means "(he/she) will go up" or "will rise", there's a lot of different meanings. Another one is "saliera" that means saltcellar....there are too much words to remember now! ;)
I bet you don't wanna know...still, I'm going to tell ;)

A couple of years ago, let's say, 4 years .. (blabla) ...I.L.Y.C....geddit? :P

Anyway, I already registered this name everywhere, and I never changed it since. I prefer to write in this way: 'ilyc'...I dunno why :)

Another nick of me is 'PanzerKommandant666', although I don't use it very frequently because it's too long most of the time!
Another nick of me is 'PanzerKommandant666', although I don't use it very frequently because it's too long most of the time!

I like ilyc much more :grin:

And mine is taken form Immortals "Ravenrealm" and simply translated into German...I kinda like this Blashyrkh thing.Frost and stuff ;)