Your opinions on the Randall ISO box?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
I've already asked a quote on it, and I've read on threads from years back, when people in here were wondering about it.
I'd like to ask if anyone has had experience with the Randall unit, other brands, or with DIY isolation boxes..

The sample from Ola did sound somewhat boxy to me (when compared to his mic'd vids), however the 'wedge panels' mod made by Keith Merrow and others, seems to improve things a lot.. at least to me it sounds like it. I've read somewhere the idea is to get the driest sound, then throw in some room verb afterwards?

I'm looking mostly to be able to turn the amps louder (or to be able to turn them on at all!) and get better tone through the monitors/cans, namely for getting the song writing going.. A nice tone would be enough for me, doesn't necessarily have to be 100% 'there' for my purposes.

If anyone has had experience with this type of gear, I'd really appreciate your input!

*Forgot to mention that, FWIW, I recently got out of the studio/rehearsal place I was working at, so now my amps are parked at home -and will be for the foreseeable future-, which is why I'm thinking of a way to use them still for what I got them (playing/writing stuff myself) rather than relying on sims, which I'm never satisfied with, for whatever reason.

Thanks much
Keeps looking more and more like the thing to have (app though it's a hit or miss, in terms of results).

I'm guessing you prefer the 609 over a 57 on it? Seems like a number of people get weird results with the 57.

What about a 906 on it? Or using a condenser, like the guys from Randall recommend?
Keeps looking more and more like the thing to have (app though it's a hit or miss, in terms of results).

I'm guessing you prefer the 609 over a 57 on it? Seems like a number of people get weird results with the 57.

What about a 906 on it? Or using a condenser, like the guys from Randall recommend?

I'm using the 906. 57 is too middy I suppose... I've only tried one condenser (maudio Solaris) and I hated it.

Now what's the mod Keith Merroe does?!? :confused:
Wedge panel mod?

[ame=""]Auralex triangled panels[/ame], like the ones you have on yours. Did you buy the $500 pack, or is there a way to buy less of it somewhere?

*Ah yeah, 906, sorry.

Merroe.. I lol'd
I liked mine but got sick of it. It did sound inherently boxy and needed to be EQ'd and still never sounded as good as a mic'd cab. I ended up selling it and ordering a Kemper, go figure.
I liked mine but got sick of it. It did sound inherently boxy and needed to be EQ'd and still never sounded as good as a mic'd cab. I ended up selling it and ordering a Kemper, go figure.

How's the Kemper been working for you so far?