Your Past Employment

Gardening assistant. I helped out a guy with various gardening jobs. That lasted about 5 months.

6 months in the finnish army (mandatory). Ended up in mortar/grenadethrower measure group. I have mixed feelings about that.

Then I was unemployent for few months and it was pretty miserable. I contacted my old school if they needed any help over there, the janitor wanted some assistance so I helped him out for six months.

And now I've been at the bookbindery for 2½ years.
Probably quit during DEP. You can quit at the DEP stage, but if you quit any point after it's a federal prison term on the basis of AWOL. Unless his contract was 1 year, which is EXTREMELY doubtful. I had a 4 year contract, but was kicked out 1 day prior/on the day of basic Looking back on it, definitely for the better.

Under the delayed enlistment program, you're not really in the military. There is nothing binding whatsoever. It's just like putting yourself on layaway to go into the military. Your military service starts the day you enter basic training.
Raised on a ranch, which entailed doing all the stereotypical horse/cow stuff; wasn't a job...was more of a lifestyle. During summers I'd go see my Dad and work for him at his supermarket until I was 18.

I then joined the Air Force and stayed in 8 years and 10 months, then got out and remained here in Italy, where I teach English to this day.

Playing in bands and stuff too but nothing to pay significant bills or anything.
work history from now till then

Target executive for 6 years
Gadzooks manager for 3 years
I worked in a grain mill for 4 years. (HORRIBLE)
carpenters apprentice for 2 years.

im 25 and have been working 11 years. ugh.
Daycare Center - walked out after 4 hours
Hilton Corporate Office - reservations agent
Earthlink - tech support
Gonzalez Funeral Home/Sparkman Hillcrest Funeral Home - dead people stuff
Protection One - tech support
GIS - reporter
Carrollton PD - 911 dispatcher
First job ever was warehouse work at the Redline BMX factory. Pulled and packed orders and rode daily with their freestyle team. That was about 2 years and I got to go on awesome road trips with the freestyle team to do demos during the summer.

After that I worked at Boeing during summers as a college student. They had a roofing program for college kids. Basically, me and other guys (and one girl) my age would spend our summers maintaining the roofs of all the buildings at one particular Boeing plant. To this day it's still the highest paying job I've ever had. And we took two hour lunches/naps every day.

After I got out of college and had gotten the radio gig at KISW, I still needed full time work so I ended up framing houses in Bellevue for a short time. I LOVED this job, but hated the guy that owned the business. The people I worked with were cool but the owner was a total dick... one of the types that you know upon first impression you'll never get along with. That job didn't last long.

After that I worked at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance as a courier. Rewarding job with awesome benefits, but lame hours and stuck up management. They fired me right before my probationary period was over along with 2 others who they'd hired at the same time. They kept 2 others.

Then I went onto one of the funnest jobs ever... lot tech at a Ford dealership! Just drove around brand new Mustang Cobras and Excursions and everything else. My boss was fucking awesome... probably one of the best bosses you could ever have. I still stay in touch with him today.

Then I ended up finally getting on full time at Entercom with the web design. It was a weird transition where I worked part time at the stations doing the websites, and part time at the Ford dealership. After a while, the Ford dealership started having troubles and they decided to let me go since I was only there half the time anyways. A couple months later they fired my boss and Entercom and put me on full time and the rest is history still writing itself.
I'm about tired of being a warehouse worker slash every fucking thing else except ringing customers up in the store for $7.75.

I can't balance work and college either. What am I going to do with myself? :(
Dude. Quit that piece of shit job, get into college, focus on that so you can get a better career. Look into some kind of trade perhaps, you'll make well over 7.75 even at an entry level position. Get some kind of student loans if you need to, it sucks but if you can't survive without working and need the money, you are better off. You won't be able to focus on school if you're working to survive.
Yeah, it is circumstantial and in most cases employers will just take it as a loss but all places are different and if you stole something, and they think it's you enough to investigate or there's evidence that proves it then you're fucked. For instance, maybe you stole it and got away with it, then it's noticed it went missing around the time you quit, the employer might review the tapes of your last few shifts if there's cameras. I know at my old job, the guy who got fired before me was caught stealing pornos, candy and smokes on tape :lol: What a tool.
Find out all the areas and corners the security camera's can't catch. That's how I got away with everything. You would have to be a fool to get caught at where i worked, it was so easy.
Find out all the areas and corners the security camera's can't catch. That's how I got away with everything. You would have to be a fool to get caught at where i worked, it was so easy.

Yeah, exactly. At my old job, the only camera pointed towards the counter (and over the most valuable shit), and recorded everything from the front door to the register, and the wall of cigarettes, but it cut off just below the top shelf, so if I used my body to block what I was doing, make it look like I was counting the cigars/cigarettes when really I was sticking them on the top shelf, well you can imagine what happened after that.

inb4 everyone shits themselves