your perception of the world


Carnis Lupus
Jan 5, 2002
Österreich - Austria
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since it fits the "mother earth is dying soon!" thread, i'd like to know how you feel about the world today in general!
i mean, the more i know about what's going on in this world, the harder it is to stay positive and really have fun without cares or concerns. when i was younger i was going out and everything was fine and party! nowadays when i go out, i tend to think much more, i watch other people a lot, how they behave! when i try to shake all those thoughts, i often feel like we're dancing on the sinking titanic! that doesn't mean that i'm a partybugger, in fact most people tell me, that it's quite fun being with me;)! but it's not like i go out and forget about all that i think of in general! i also enjoy an interesting discussion with people who still think about what is going on!

on the other hand there are also positive aspects for me nowadays! i'm much more educated than some years ago and i wouldn't want to trade this knowledge for the numbing tranquility of unknowledge, hehe! also, i'm more mature and have developed also in a spiritual way! i find joy in the pagan belief, which is very much bound to nature in general!
so what do you prefer: going out and party or also doing philosophizing sometimes?
Going out and partying and a little bit of philosophy. I don't know what to think about now. Things are hard to deal with, and I know it'll be hard to deal with this, but everyone has a different interpretation (spelling?) on this subject. I know dealing with stuff like this is hard. But, I'm not going to give up and just let this world die...

I don't even know if this post makes sense... But it kind of does.
This world is getting more and more horrible. And it is our fault. The world will die because of us.

These are things we seem to think a lot.

But will it? Are we strong enough to kill Earth? Are we smart enough? How smart are we? We tend to think we know so much about the world - and we continously figure out new things! But what do these things mean? How important are they? And for who? For us? For life? For Earth?

Surely, humans do a lot of horrible things.

But why?

We are, in most cases un top of the food chain. But just what does this imply? How did we get here?

We evolved. Just like all species do. Our brains evolved, and made us able to make things of what surrounds us. We have become smart. We think a lot, and it has made us almost invincible. (or so we think)

But this thinking is also what makes us destoy each other and our surroundings. Our basic tool of survival is also our basic weapon.

But what if our thinking hadn't made us destroy each other? Birds eat insects, and in doing that, they keep the population down. We (or some of us) eat animals, and in doing that we keep the populations down.

But who keeps our population down?

No-one eats us. (-Or at least not to a very large degree.) But we do kill each others. The smarter we get, the further from death do we get. And the further from death we get, the more do we kill each other. That is how nature keeps OUR population down. By using ourselves. We call it horrible. But Mother Earth do what she does to survive. -Just like we do. -For the smarter we get, the more do we disturb her.

So dying isn't necessarily negative. It isn't smth evil. Nor is destruction. Death and destruction is just as much a part of life, and just as important, as construction and life itself!

Of course everyone should do their best to be a good fellow inhabitant on Earth. That is not what I say. All I mean is that we should calm down a bit on all of this. Life will go on. Not ours, but LIFE iteself. It always will. We are not the end. I think that is very naïve to think. I think that is overestimating ourselves, and not just a little.

So just calm down, and do the best you can to make of your life, what YOU want! And enjoy yourself! :)
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
So dying isn't necessarily negative. It isn't smth evil. Nor is destruction. Death and destruction is just as much a part of life, and just as important, as construction and life itself!

Of course everyone should do their best to be a good fellow inhabitant on Earth.

Damn straight! I'm going to go work on this overpopulation problem right now!

*grabs shotgun*


I'll post something serious when I can actually formulate my thoughts into something cohesive and coherent.
I might be insane, but it feels so good thinking of killing Bush and his likes... (I'm going to be seriously watched by government agency, if it's not already the case...)
this is a shitty outlook.....but i couldnt careless.....i live my life and worry about things that directly involve me....i have to much bullshit of my own to worry with concerns of is the earth going to die......honestly i dont think we can kill the earth....and if we be it...i love this planet and for the most part people in general....but i as one person cannot do shit to stop what is happening so i say FUCK IT!!!:( .....why stress that shit....i live and i will do most eventually this planet will probably "die"....but i dont think it will be in my lifetime nor my children or thier children.....and i dont think it will be mankinds fault...for all we know it might just blow up....but shit happens:D
What took Cosmos 4-5 billion years to create we seem aim to destroy in less then a hundred, right? people have just stopped thinking of what a wonderful piece of work our planet and man is, it contains an endless numbers of actions..chemical, biological..etc.. for me just to write these lines, and then if we look to the composition of the human organism in it's whole, it's just an incredable string of scientific and philisophical revolt , a fusion that has driven us to the intelligence(that we are supposed to have at least)we now are capable of.

We've traced the simpler essentialities in the known arena, following the tiniest processes in "Brown Noise" to the perfected
star, body, mind...etc...

That we treat our earthly mother in such disrepect are for me the larget enigma ever. We take it for granted that we'll have a place to live on until we're checking out...and there is also one of the most worrying factors, every generations seems to think only of them selves, as it seems that every generation don't care a damn if the globe is burnt out when they leave for the next dimesion. And that also kinda show how little care we have for eachother, when don't care of what World we'll pass on to our kids that is a sign of how self centred we've become. It's like saying "I don't care if you die" to your child...........

Competition have always been essential for our evolution, but the earth carries enough resources to host us all(at least the current number)but we've simply lost the respect for it. Still Cosmos is the life giver, but also the ceaser. WE MUST START TO BEHAVE AS THINKING BEINGS, THE MIGHTY PRINCIPLE COSMOS ARE ANGRY AND WILL REGULATE OUR PRESENCE QUITE SOON.
You have that old saying (used in Spider-Man too ;) ): With great
powers comes great responsibilities. The human race neglected
these responsibilities.

Perhaps we got 'intelligent' too fast, and therefore really had no
chance to control ourselves. We also started out wrong some few
hundred years ago as the white man conquered the earth, took
control over the wealth and left half of the world in ruins by not
only stealing their resources but also destroying the natural
environment of tribes etc that lived in symbiosis with nature.
And that leaves an unhealthy balance on earth to begin with
(speaking of 'modern' man). Like I said earlier, we are a natural
cause, but still we're a precious form of life it seems. At least as
far as we know from our discoveries of the universe (it's funny
too because all we did was to reach our arm out and feel, and
use out eyes to look into the past of the universe. In fact we
know so very little, and all these things that V sings about are
indeed only theories (good ones, it seems), there is no such thing
as real proof in a scientific view. But the seemingly best and
most sensible discoveries/rules becomes the axioms for further
studies. And those are usually good enough for us.
Sorry. going off topic now)

But who's to blame for humans being selfish and destructive?
Maybe we will, by some tragic event(s), find the human race in
balance some day. But you will never ever get rid of those with a
blackened, cynical mind who will create hell. I think it was Socrates
who said that everything must be in between the extremities, the
golden middle path (directly trans. from Norwegian) and that
would indeed be the best choice. Problem is that humans are
curious and experimenting and will never by satisfied by walking
this path.

I hope I live long enough to see what happens (because something
really shitty will happen). Assuming no external interference, will
there perhaps be a very resistant airborne form of Ebola with a
longer incubation time (so that ppl don't die as fast) or some
other plague/virus that wipes out millions? Environmental
holocaust perhaps?

Well, as I see it ppl are getting less caring by the day! An
example: It was normal for children/relatives to take care of the
elders in a family. But today's society has created an alienation of
old people.. a grandchild doesn't even know his own grandparents
any more at all. We wanna live out own lives in a selfish career-
driven way (yes, society requires it, but humans built society),
and that is the very same way that man has cared for our planet
the way I see it.

-Lordenlil, who loves the planet but who selfishly does nothing
more to assist it- (a little Phyros copy right here ;) )
It's not really a miracle that we are treating earth so badly, imo. It's just easier to turn a blind eye on someone that does not have an impact on one self directly and is cut down to a minor problem, while there are always other topics on top. Also, it was handled that way over centuries, and mankind obviously is having a hard time letting loose old rotten ways... and they even reappear, as they are vanishing from our memory. Intelligence and wisdom are worlds afar from each other... and mankind doesn't seem to be able to make the distance between both, only a few steps.

All those little pleasures we have for ourselves, all our puny improvements... For what? So we can have an easy living, without concerning? Well, the pile of concerns is growing for those coming after us, anyway... everyone talks about individual thinking, but we behave mutual. And noone sees an immediate need to change it. That dish will come served cold I'm afraid...

The only thing I think is good about it, that we are too unimportant at all to make a real impact upon the universe with our ways. Still, sad for earth.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Perhaps we got 'intelligent' too fast, and therefore really had no
chance to control ourselves. We also started out wrong some few
hundred years ago as the white man conquered the earth, took
control over the wealth and left half of the world in ruins by not
only stealing their resources but also destroying the natural
environment of tribes etc that lived in symbiosis with nature.
And that leaves an unhealthy balance on earth to begin with
(speaking of 'modern' man).

I kinda like playing Devil's Advocate here, but I usually mean what I say anyway.

Anyway, people often marvel at how animals stay in balance with nature. And why can't humans achieve the same? To those, I offer the following points:
  1. It is not the animals that choose to be in balance with nature, but rather nature that forces the balance on the animals.
  2. Animals, as individuals or a whole, are completely incapable of causing any types of the damage that humans have.
  3. All animals, like most humans, have 2 goals. To survive as easily as possible and to breed. And the latter is just a biological response (quickly) developed through evolution.

    There are a few things that poke holes in the above observations, for no complex system can be summarized by 3 bullet points. The case for territories for different animals is a good case of animals taking overpopulation and overconsumption into their own hands. I can't explain the cause or reason for that off the top of my head now.

    I still see nature as a chaotic system of independant minds working towards their own goals that happens to work in a sort of balance. On millions of other planets, this process may have failed. We only know that it worked on this one because it still exists.

    There's a point embedded in there somewhere. :)
Originally posted by Vintersorg

Or stop thinking so much, and only act on our insticts, like most other animals do. It's our "smart thinking" that usually is the reason for the destruction we make.

(But if we were to stop thinking so much, we would have to evolve to it.... Which would take some time.)
Maybe insanity is the answer...

Most human biengs seems to be born evil and cruel, and drive insane those who aren't like them before they reach the age of ten. Some of them, when they grow up, have as their dearest wish the destruction of mankind. I suppose that eventually, those who are not treated will be the natural depopulating factor...

Death to mankind!!!!! Long live to elven-kind naturechilds!

*dreaming on*
Originally posted by niniel
Death to mankind!!!!! Long live to elven-kind naturechilds!

If that is your wish, then do smth about it!! You are physically able, but I cannot say anything about whether or not you are mentally able. If you're not, then you should reconsider that about most humans being evil and cruel. I strongly doubt you are one of a kind..... :p
Well, it is a known fact that I'm not totally sane...

But anyways, I'm not the one who is going to do something about human population...I can't kill a bug without feeling guilty for hours...
The stupidest thing about this subject is, that we all
know we are destroying mother earth, but we're all
too lazy to bother doing anything about it! I never
really think "What can I do to make things better?"...

What CAN we do? Help please? It doesn't help sitting
here complaining, a solution is what we need. Earth
is going under, or at least human kind is, it has to
happen. At least if we keep doing what we do now.

Blackspirit, the lazy bastard :eek:P
Originally posted by Blackspirit
The stupidest thing about this subject is, that we all
know we are destroying mother earth, but we're all
too lazy to bother doing anything about it! I never
really think "What can I do to make things better?"...

What CAN we do? Help please? It doesn't help sitting
here complaining, a solution is what we need. Earth
is going under, or at least human kind is, it has to
happen. At least if we keep doing what we do now.

Blackspirit, the lazy bastard :eek:P

There's a lot of things you can do, both to help the nature, animals and poor ppl and countries. here are some of them:

*Stop buying things that are tested on animals (I know of a good list of trademarks who tests and who don't test. I'll link it up here.).
*Use less paper and plastic. (For example don't to use cardboard cups and plates and plastic knife fork and spoon when out somewhere.)
*Don't use nonce things.
*Do a little research on what kind of washing powder etc. that are available, and choose the one that are best for the environment, and not the one that are the cheapest. (I Norge får du godt miljøvennlig vaskemiddel på større helsekostbutikker, så det skal være greit å få tak i i Oslo.)
*Buy as much ecologic producs as possible.
*Sort your garbage, and always deliver the empty bottles and cans in the shop instead of throwing them away, even if that can seem more easy sometimes. Be consequent on it! Resycle as much as possible. Do also buy resycled products when it is possible.
*Of course, you shouldn't throw things on the grown. (Including cigarettes!!) If you see garbage on the grown - especially out in nature; on asphalt in cities it's different, but still important - pick it up and throw it in a garbage can. If someone's around it might feel a bit embarrassing, but it surely make ppl look your way, and that is very positive in this case. You can influense others!
*When you buy meat, check if it sais anything about how and where it is produced. Check how the animals have been treated, if possible. Remember also that vension have lived free, and have had a better life than caged and bred animals. Don't buy eggs from caged hen. Both eggs and meat is also available ecological. Vension is always ecological!
*Don't buy clothes or other products made in big factories owned by ppl in the western world but situated in the third world. See if you can find out where products are made, and under what kind of conditions the workers work. Who make the products, and how are they treated? (For instance, it is better to buy a jacket form Chanel than for instance Nike. Both are big trademarks, but the workers don't have the same workingconditions.) Don't buy the product if you are in doubt, but find smth else.
*Don't eat at McDonalds (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
*When you know smth about how and where a product is made, tell others about it. You can't stop ppl in buying what they want, but you can inform them of the things you know!
*Seek out fair-trade shops and trademarks, and use them as often as possible.