Your pictures when you were a kid.



:lol: indeed
dude, after posting this picture, you can't really say anything to anyone, huh?
and you said codi was fat... :lol:



there. zomg!imsofunny!1ROFLOLOLOLMAO!!!1!eleven!

:lol: I was chubby as a kid, I'm not anymore so :lol: and Codi is not fat. He's obese and deformed. There's a difference. But way to run to your girlfriend's defense once again :p

Btw, after that edit, you can't really anything to anyone, huh?
how do you know that? do you have any proof?

you can't really what? missing verb!

and if you think the edit is bad, i'm sorry, but your jowel was very hard to edit. :(

:lol: Yeh, I missed "say", huzzah you pwned me :goggly: and :lol: OMG someone blow up some motherfucking balloons!!!! Gonzo made an actually FUNNY joke. :lol:

EDIT: And I can tell from that one pic... plus he never has psoted any full body shots and the face pics he does post are all distorted to appear thinner, so something is up, but whatever, not worth getting into!