Your pictures!!

I dont give a fuck how she looks, she is in my favorite band, so thats good enough for me, to put in other words, I like her like I like any other member of AE, or any other band for that matter. And she's hella cool in person
scary! hehehe
The Ammot Brothers have done a hell of a work @ Arch Enemy, well I haven't listened to all of their albums, I just like Enemy Within it is fucking gr8 song
My friend says that they got gr8 solos. Anyways, I'm all EToS and KalmaH!! Antti kicks ass, and I hope that Ristu will prove me wrong. ;}
arch_enemy666 said:
i think this thread got slightly off topic
Kalma|-| said:
scary! hehehe
The Ammot Brothers have done a hell of a work @ Arch Enemy, well I haven't listened to all of their albums, I just like Enemy Within it is fucking gr8 song
My friend says that they got gr8 solos. Anyways, I'm all EToS and KalmaH!! Antti kicks ass, and I hope that Ristu will prove me wrong. ;}
this is the pictures thread :D you can make any comment on the bullshit thread, we're lucky we have them both :D *proud*
That was the last time I cut my hair, my head got burnt to a crisp, fuck that sucked.
Some Finnish dudes and one cool Portugese dude.

What can I say, he's the KING