while taking a shower this morning i purpousfully made my dick hard and stepped out of the shower with the towel around my hair
then i spent the next half-hour being naked, shaking my hips/waving my hard dick in front of my female chef
instead of getting pissed-off or disgusted, the fact that i had a hard-on in front of her made her laugh her fucking ass off, which of course was my intent, my girlfriend was right next to her, and ofcourse she was laughing as well
why this event happened and why it was funny is kinda dificult to explain
my female chef sees me naked all the freaking time because me and my girlfriend are at-home-nudists
frequently our female chef watches us have sex
and frequently i finger my chef's pussy which is kinda weird cuz she won't touch my dick
and because she doesn't want to touch my dick, she thought me having a hard-on infront of her was funny because my girlfriend wasn't touching my dick at the time (which is something my chef enjoys watching)
random joy of the day = reading this really weird story

what the fuck are you doing jobwise?