The long stretch of editing is finally coming to an end, and I'm about to start the mix process for 3 projects in a row, all of them different types of music!
Ah , that's such a great feeling !

The long stretch of editing is finally coming to an end, and I'm about to start the mix process for 3 projects in a row, all of them different types of music!
ahh yes kev you reminded me
Slate EX and 2 expansions shall be here tomorrow
got paid from a band today
payday in 5 days
no longer a teen on monday (good or bad?)
No school on fridays. Gotta love college.
So you got a job in the end Marcus?
I've been trying to get a course in a certain (abstract, not exactly popular) part of mathematics since the beginning of the summer. I needed several other people for the course to happen (especially given the costs, in this economy it's really hard to make administrators part with their money) and spent three months trying to talk people into it. (When I said 'not exactly popular', I mean 'recruiting was about as easy as trying to sell Roseanne on a street corner'. It's a big, unifying language that causes either increased productivity or insanity... think mathematical absinthe.) After a rollercoaster of a week (not being able to buy a permit to park on campus - in my third year of employment! - and having to push both administrators and students into doing their paperwork) we finally held the first class this afternoon and went out for a beer afterwards. Whee.
I've been trying to get a course in a certain (abstract, not exactly popular) part of mathematics since the beginning of the summer. I needed several other people for the course to happen (especially given the costs, in this economy it's really hard to make administrators part with their money) and spent three months trying to talk people into it. (When I said 'not exactly popular', I mean 'recruiting was about as easy as trying to sell Roseanne on a street corner'. It's a big, unifying language that causes either increased productivity or insanity... think mathematical absinthe.) After a rollercoaster of a week (not being able to buy a permit to park on campus - in my third year of employment! - and having to push both administrators and students into doing their paperwork) we finally held the first class this afternoon and went out for a beer afterwards. Whee.
which green hallucinogenic nectar of mathematics would this be?