Your Reaper theme(s) ?


Oct 30, 2010
I usually don't care for skins on stuff but I found myself needing a better display on the mixer; see the -18 -12 -6 -3 notches...

I found "ALBERT-C (REA-EVOLUTION 2)" to be doing the job, however, it's an old skin I had somewhere in my folders.


Curious to know what you use (was using the default skin before)
Any simple and clean theme with dark grids ? I'm considering just modifying the original one, I find it easier in the end to stare at a dark grey grid as opposed to a light one
default with some changes to the colors on the grid and cursor. idunno if you guys knew this but the cursor pulses between 2 colors. its just set to the same color by default. i find most of the themes to annoying if you dont have a multi monitor setup because most of the mixer panel tracks are too big.
Really neat indeed onqel. I have the imperial white tie but it's way too big for me with a single monitor. thanks for this one:headbang:
Might have to try this Brawn Bespoke, looks pretty good while still being clean and not too busy.