Your top 3 tv series of all time


Lazy Member
Apr 12, 2010
As titled!

Name your three favorite tv shows of all time.
Also argue why.

1 Battlestar Galactica - Solid ungay drama
2 Califoniacation - Hilarius characters
3 Entourage - Fun and uplifting
Arrested Development
The Office
The Wonder Years

Honorable Mention to Freaks and Geeks (simply didn't last long enough) and Our Gang (which technically were movie shorts long before they were television shows)
I barely watch TV anymore, and honestly I can name about one TV series in recent times I've actually bothered to watch and keep up with.

The Simpsons (let's ignore the shitty seasons, of which there are many) for just being consistently hilarious no matter how many times you see the episodes

The Shield - Years since I watched it, and haven't even seen all the seasons, but I do remember always being thoroughly engaged by it when I watched it

Breaking Bad - The only recent drama series I've bothered to watch.
The eccentricity of Walter White sometimes reminds me of myself (as well as how he's a smart guy who can also make some incredibly dumb choices and do really stupid things) and it's interesting to see the human, caring side of criminals, rather than that whole "Bad guys are bad guys" thing some TV shows do.
Also like how the occasional funny moments which are there so the show isn't so tense you want to shoot yourself, are still a lot more amusing than entire episodes of so called "comedies" these days.
Agreed. why did it enyway?

Fox pretty much screwed Joss Whedon and kept rescheduling the show time/day of the week and also aired some episodes out of order. They had poor promotion of the series while it was aired. I think Fox wanted a sci-fi show with aliens and the typical special FX, so they didn't know what to do with it but cancel it.
Star Trek TNG
Star Trek DS9
Babylon 5
South Park (pre-Season 11)

I put 4 because those are literally the only 4 I can say are favorites; needless to say I never watch actual TV, so all those I've seen pretty much only on DVD (except TNG, which I got hooked on watching as a wee lad with my parents while it was originally airing)
I'm going to do these by genre.


Arrested Development.
How I Met Your Mother.
The IT Crowd.


The Simpsons.
South Park.


True Blood (though this could easily lose to The Sopranos should the next season of TB be as lame as the season finale).