Your top 3 tv series of all time

1. Arrested Development (still unmatched by anything I have seen since)

2. Its Always Sunny (love how bad these people are, and the episode are really re-watchable)

3. Breaking Bad (tough decision, but the storylines, characters, camera work, acting etc. are all done extremely well)
Not sure if I could really pick 3, but it'd be something like:

Always Sunny in PA
South Park
How I Met Your Mother

Really hard not to put shows like Battlestar Galactica, Arrested Development, LOST, Dexter, or The Office (US) on there.
ah I forgot 30 rock ! That show is easily one of my faves as well
My #1 !

Scrubs (pre Season 8)

I quite enjoy True Blood but I don't actually know why. The characters fuck me off and oftentimes the storylines jump about too much and there is just too much random shit going on, but somehow I find myself always wanting to watch another episode.

Didn't see the full 4 seasons but really enjoyed season 1 of Prison Break.

Of course, The Simpsons and South Park too.
thats so tuff, sorry 3 is not enough

true blood
24 last and final season was sooo great
veronica mars although the last season was mmeehhh
lost up to season 3
fringe is also very coool
Holy shit nobody's mentioned The Sopranos? What the fuck is wrong with you people?!

1. The Sopranos - EASILY the best on-screen acting I've ever seen in a TV series, hands down, no question, holy mother of god that show was compelling.
2. Weeds - Marie Louise Parker = yum. Great story, darkly humours, and still going!
3. American Dad! - Fuck Family Guy, this is where McFarlane clearly puts his heart into it, and didn't rely on the one-liner crap for stoner fucks :lol: