Your Top 5 hardcore/metalcore Bands

Emotional hardcore. A style of hardcore which is more about emotional and sensitive issues over tough guy posturing and macho bullshit. Also, they use more twinkling guitars at times to give a melodic bent to the music. Most of the lyrics are done in anguished screams, but also some singing is used.
Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Breach, Playing Enemy, Knut, Bloodlet, and some hopesfall.

Anyone care to tell me what The National Acrobat, Hope and SUicide, and Lethargy are like?
For me, I've been listening to a lot of these bands:

Bleeding Through
Funeral for a Friend (Dreamlord, if you still like Boysetsfire you might like this band)
On Broken Wings
Every Time I Die
7 Angels 7 Plagues
The Bled
SID01 said:
Hmmnnn, personally I prefer harder styles of music although I don't think I've heard too much of this if any...Any recommendations???
Yeah, I recommend not bothering with emo, it's more or less all crap. Of course, I'd say pretty much the same about most 'metalcore' as well. If you want hardcore crossed with metal, check out stuff like Wolfpack, Skitsystem, Misery, or Selfish.
FFAF have some amazing melodies and some pretty cool breakdowns. Of course, they aren't quite as good as Beloved, but almost no-one is. They aren't all that original, but they have one of the best singers in the genre and some excellent guitarists. Listen to Red is the New Black or 10.45 Amsterdam Conversations and tell me they suck. They aren't heavy, but does every band have to be heavy?

If you want to give emo a shot, try downloading this album: Joshua Fit For Battle - To Bring Our Own End. It's some fucking wickedly heavy emo with an almost Dillinger Escape Plan styled intensity, but without any mathcore elements.
Thanks for the recommendation, Luminous. And indeed, not everything has to be heavy. I appreciate a wide variety of music, but most of the time I find myself liking extremely brutal, ugly music or beautiful, melancholic music. Most of the time anything between that, I find to be mediocre. Sadly, it's just not powerful enough for me. I think I have to give things more of a chance. That's all.

Also, I never said they "sucked."
Can anyone tell me what these bands are like:

Twelve Tribes
Spiritus Sancti

Also, I'm totally digging 7 Angels 7 Plagues. What bands are comparable to them in sound?
SkyCameFalling are good, they have one really long acoustic instrumental that rules. Their metalcore stuff is like a less structured Poison the Well.

Comparable to 7A7P?

Try Bleeding Through, but they are more straightforward with a pretty constant key presence and they are heavier as well.

Also, Norma Jean. They are less melodic, and they have a kind of Deftones influence at points, but they have a similar style of breakdowns.

One album I recently got was mewithoutyou - [A -> B] Life... its' very weird. Kind of like Every Time I Die without any metal and with more abrasive vocals. But then other parts are very slowed down indie rock kind of stuff with a lot of weird effects and a very odd sense of melody. Pretty good for a Christian band, they usually stick to the tried and true formulas.
well i have seen a lot of these bands mentioned, because i live in a city that breeds hardcore and metalcore (Virginia beach, VA)... i only like Lamb of God (they are local to the area), Living Sacrifice, Extol, and Zao (christian metalcore)... local bands from my area include Misura, Epoxy, and some others that all sound the same to me. i like to stick to metal most of the time.
My top favorite black metal releases are:

1. Cryptopsy - None So Vile
2. Cephalic Carnage - Lucid Interval
3. My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans
4. Anathema - Serenades
5. KMFDM - What Do You Know Deutschland?

Now do I sound as stupid as you? Try to puzzle your way out of this conundrum, laughable one.