Your top 5 fav horror flix

Not in order:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Don't forget Omen I II and III the final conflict. Also scared the SH****T otta my sister posing as the kid outside the bedroom window in Salem's Lot. Add Alien, Fridaythe13th (first one), Phantasm, and dare I say Blair Witch Project and you'd have my list. (I know, I know, some people thought it pretty much sucked but in my defense I was naive and we played pretty careless tricks in our little camping trips.)


shadow walker said:
Top 5 fav horror flix.....heres mine

5. The Howling

4. Evil Dead 2

3. The Shining

2. A Nightmare on elm street

1. Halloween

im interested in yours???????
Snausages said:
In no particular order

Even Horizon
The Thing (1982)
Care Bears Movie

The Thing was one of my all time favs but i always thought of it as SCI-FI, still a kick ass flic

and yes the care bears could be scary, depending on the amount of doobage you smoke! haha!
you guys gotta see Amityville horror 2! the shit is fkn wild man, the son get possesd by the house and all hell breaks lose...awesome and some really scary scenes too, peep it if you already didnt.
shadow walker said:
the exorcist aroused me big time, minus the ripped skin and vomit, linda blair was pretty sexy in that flick!! hehe!
Dude, she was like 12! Then again, I felt the same way about Natalie Portman in Leon, The Professional. That film is the reason my friends came up with the line, "I'd fuck her if she was 12!"

Looking back on it now, The Exorcist is one of the funniest films I've ever seen and it just keeps funnier with every viewing! :D
in no order:
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Amityville II: The Possession
as for comedy/horror:
Return of the Living Dead
Evil Dead 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Coyote Ugly