Your Top Fives for this year and next..


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Here's one for band members & forum members alike as we move from one year to the next; let's breathe some life back into this place!

Answer any/all of the following:

  • Top 5 favorite CDs of 2004 (2004 releases)
  • Top 5 most played CDs of 2004 (released in any year)
  • Top 5 most anticipated CDs of 2005
  • Top 5 favorite musicians of 2004 (just the top 5 that you listened to during the year; they can be from any genre/era, doesn't have to be 2004 releases)
  • Top 5 movies of 2004 (2004 releases)
  • Top 5 most anticipated movies of 2005
  • Top 5 best moments in 2004
  • Top 5 worst moments in 2004
  • Top 5 things you wish for yourself in 2005
  • Top 5 things you wish for others in 2005 (be it friends, family, the people here, or even on a global scale)
  • Top 5 things you'd like to see Power of Omens do in 2005
Hey ya bunch of chickens, you're supposed to reply, not just read & wander off.. :lol: :loco:

Okay I'll go first & do a few of these..

  • Top 5 favorite CDs of 2004 (2004 releases) - (in no particular order) Ayreon - The Human Equation, Dead Soul Tribe - The January Tree, Slipknot - Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses), Threshold - Subsurface, Megadeth - The System Has Failed.
  • Top 5 most played CDs of 2004 (released in any year) - (in no particular order) Ayreon - The Human Equation, Power of Omens - Eyes of the Oracle (this one never gets old), The Corrs - Forgiven Not Forgotten, Slipknot - Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses), Megadeth - The System Has Failed.
  • Top 5 most anticipated CDs of 2005 - Power of Omens, Symphony X, Russ Allen, Dream Theater, and uh that's all I can think of right now. :lol:
  • Top 5 things you'd like to see Power of Omens do in 2005 - Get signed to a good label, release a successful 3rd cd, get EotO rereleased, do some touring, & find a keyboard player.
Okay now it's your turn..c'mon, let's see those top fives :)
Lady of the Oracle said:
Hey ya bunch of chickens, you're supposed to reply, not just read & wander off.. :lol: :loco:
Ok Ok... I'll answer this one as best as I can.... :lol:

Top 5 favorite CDs of 2004 (2004 releases)
Hmmmmm... 2004 I didn't really listen to alot of "new" music... so I don't think I can even list 5 discs :ill: :
1 - Evergrey - Inner Circle
2 - Spastic Ink - Ink Compatible
3 - Fates Warning - X
4 - My Solo disc ;)

Top 5 most played CDs of 2004 (released in any year)
1 - Evergrey - Inner Circle
2 - Evergrey - In Search of Truth
3 - Symphony X - The Odyssey
4 - Trapt
5 - My solo disc :grin:

Top 5 most anticipated CDs of 2005
1 - Symphony X
2 - Zero Hour
3 - Evergrey (DVD)
4 - Power of Omens
5 - Queensryche - OM II

Top 5 movies of 2004 (2004 releases)
1 - Spider-Man 2
2 - The Last Samurai
3 - The Passion of the Christ
4 - Van Helsing
5 - Hero

Top 5 best moments in 2004
1 - The release of my solo CD :grin:
2 - Seeing Evergrey in Houston and Austin
3 - Having someone very special come back into my life.

Top 5 worst moments in 2004
1 - Being involved in a car accident days before my birthday.
2 - Breaking the finger on fretting hand.
3 - Losing my job
4 - The hard crash my PC suffered causing me to lose almost everything (including the New Power of Omens' songs as well as my solo CD)
5 - The status of the band.

Top 5 things you wish for yourself in 2005
1 - Success with my solo material
2 - Success with Power of Omens
3 - Better finanical status
4 - A Girlfriend and better love life :lol:
5 - Stability and Good Health

Top 5 things you wish for others in 2005 (be it friends, family, the people here, or even on a global scale)
1 - Health
2 - Financial Stability
3 - Success in life
4 - Opportunities to better themselves in whatever they feel a need for improvement.
5 - Love

Top 5 things you'd like to see Power of Omens do in 2005
1 - Release a new CD!!!! :lol:
2 - Sign to a new label
3 - Play out
4 - Start planning for a live DVD
5 - Success!!!!!
top 5 releases of 2004:
SX - The Odyssey
Ayreon - The Human Equation
Kim Waters - In the Name of Love (smooth jazz)
Hubi Meisel - EmOcean
DT - ToT ... sorta

top 5 movies:
van helsing (that 5/4 theme music reminds me of our playing, dave!)
Ocean's Twelve
Alien Vs. Predator
Starsky & Hutch (ok, top 6, sue me.)

top DVD
Greg The Bunny

aniticipated cds for 2005:
Vivien Lalu - Oniric Metal
Power of Omens
Symphony X
Aborted Existence
DT maybe?
Hubi Meisel
Sun Caged!
prolly more

wishes for 2005
Power of Omens to be more active, and a great year for each member
get up to Jersey again this summer for some more drum lessons with Jason Rullo
Be safe (that goes for everyone!!)
financial stability is always a plus
Top 5 favorite CDs of 2004 (2004 releases)
I'w with Dave here... there wasnt a lot of albums that i really liked this year, mostly heard old stuff. it was a slow year
power of omens- rooms of anguish
iced earth- the glorious burden
the arcade fire- funeral

Top 5 most played CDs of 2004 (released in any year)
power of omens- eyes of the oracle
dark moor- the gates of oblivion
dark moor- dark moor
dark moor- between light and darkness
sonata arctica- ecliptica

Top 5 most anticipated CDs of 2005
power of omens!!!
dark moor- beyond the sea
the fractured dimension

Top 5 favorite musicians of 2004 (just the top 5 that you listened to during the year; they can be from any genre/era, doesn't have to be 2004 releases)
alex arellano
dave gallegos
geoff tate
chris salinas
buddy rich

Top 5 movies of 2004 (2004 releases)
sideways (favorite movie of all time)
napolean dynamite
finding neverland

Top 5 most anticipated movies of 2005
charlie and the chocolate factory
any movie with Paul Giamatti

Top 5 best moments in 2004
anything having to do with my girlfriend
kicking arse at long beach state without having to try too hard lol

Top 5 things you wish for yourself in 2005
kicking more arse at school, but i know i have to try harder this time lol

Top 5 things you wish for others in 2005 (be it friends, family, the people here, or even on a global scale)
hope my girlfriend, family, and friends health and happiness
hope Dave and the guys have good luck this year

Top 5 things you'd like to see Power of Omens do in 2005
release an album
get signed to a kick arse label that gives them the respect they deserve
come to los angeles and play some shows (pretty pretty please)
[*]Top 5 favorite CDs of 2004 (2004 releases)
- Pain of Salvation, 12:5
- i guess that's it since that's the only CD i bought last year!

[*]Top 5 most played CDs of 2004 (released in any year)
- Planet X, Moonbabies
- Planet X, Live from Oz
- Nevermore, Dead Heart
- Spiral Architect
- Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes

[*]Top 5 most anticipated CDs of 2005
- i'm so out of the loop i don't even know what's going on

[*]Top 5 favorite musicians of 2004 (just the top 5 that you listened to during the year; they can be from any genre/era, doesn't have to be 2004 releases)
- Virgil Donati
- Dennis Chambers
- Tori Amos
- Nancy Wilson
- James Brown & co.

[*]Top 5 movies not necessarily dated from 2004
- Finding Neverland
- In America
- Iris
- Eternal Sunshine...
- House of Sand and Fog

[*]Top 5 best moments in 2004
- Finally moving into a big house
- My sister's 'Xmas Movie Box' - full of most all the Audrey Hepburn and Woody Allen films
- Quitting the crappy part of my job
- Finishing a half-marathon
- Watching OSU go to the Final Four

[*]Top 5 worst moments in 2004
- I haven't died or starved, so there's nothing to complain about
Top 5 2004 releases
Fates Warning- X
Evergrey- The Inner Circle
Iced Earth- The Glorious Burden
Dream Theater- Train Of Thought

Top 5 2005 releases anticipated
Judas Priest- Angel of Retribution
Dream Theater
Symphony X
Power Of Omens
nckissfan said:
Top 5 2004 releases
Fates Warning- X
Evergrey- The Inner Circle
Iced Earth- The Glorious Burden
Dream Theater- Train Of Thought

Top 5 2005 releases anticipated
Judas Priest- Angel of Retribution
Dream Theater
Symphony X
Power Of Omens