Your Top Three Thrash Metal Albums?

It almost makes it seem like you don't actually like thrash metal when you talk like that.
Those 'metallers' are nothing more than shite. How can someone call himself a metaller and not like albums like RiB, HA or SNM. Isn't it a bit contradictory?
Ultimate Metal: Where opinions are facts

I never got the hype surrounding Hell Awaits. I always preferred Show No Mercy to it.

But now I'll relisten to the first six albums and guess what? I'll still find Seasons to be my favorite.

You guys are jackasses.

It has taken me awhile, as in last summer I really started to enjoy Hell Awaits, but Show No Mercy is so fucking rifftastic that it cannot be beat. Black Magic is still the best thrash song i've ever heard. So fucking good.
It has taken me awhile, as in last summer I really started to enjoy Hell Awaits, but Show No Mercy is so fucking rifftastic that it cannot be beat. Black Magic is still the best thrash song i've ever heard. So fucking good.

Yeah I agree with you. Hell Awaits is a denser record obviously. Maybe someday I'll enjoy it more..
Born of Fire, War Ensemble, Hollowed Point, Spirit in Black and the title track are some of their best tracks. I know more than a few people who would pick Seasons as their top Slayer album. And from what i remember, it's Kafkas favorite Slayer album too
It really isn't that hard to see how someone can dislike Slayer and still be a huge metal fan. If someone said they worshiped bands like Black Sabbath, Death, Morbid Angel and Lunar Aurora, for example, but at the same time didn't like Slayer you'd have no reason to doubt their sincerity or degree of support for underground heavy metal. I personally think Slayer is amazingly over rated as they have like 2 killer records, and then just a small handful of good songs scattered throughout their career. The majority of their songs are pretty boring, actually.
It really isn't that hard to see how someone can dislike Slayer and still be a huge metal fan. If someone said they worshiped bands like Black Sabbath, Death, Morbid Angel and Lunar Aurora, for example, but at the same time didn't like Slayer you'd have no reason to doubt their sincerity or degree of support for underground heavy metal.

I somewhat agree with what you're saying and i can definitely see why someones taste in metal would be question if they disliked them. And i'd find it hard to believe that a fan of Death or MA would dislike Slayer. The rest of your post made me want to punch you in the face ..... ;)

i think they're are one of the greatest bands of all time.
South of Heaven is better than Seasons in the Abyss by quite a bit, although I don't think either one is up to par with the first three Slayer albums. I still own them and consider them good albums overall.
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^pretty much. Yawn and yawn south of heaven. I'd put Slayer in a top 3 most influential thrash bands list, but there is so much more interesting thrash to listen to on a regular basis imo. Seasons is probably my favorite of theirs though. Reign in Blood is close.
Hell Awaits probably defines the "Slayer" sound in its purest form, so the popularity of it as a classic makes sense to me. Show No Mercy is the most old school thrash album, and Reign in Blood is the most intense. Everything else is filler. SOH and Seasons are listenable, but far from great as far as im concerned. Everything afterwards sucks.