Your views on Dance Of Death?

imo the worst thing about the album is the mix.
it's bad enough on my pioneer. the vocals are so over emphathized that in places it sounds like bruce was singing to music playing on a boom box. other places the music sounds like an inexperienced amatuer band-the instramentation sounds like everyone is playing a different song and the 1st half of the album it seems the goal was to get a different sound by putting less effort and skill into the playing.
if it was from a different group i would have more respect for the album, but comeing from maiden i expect a certain level of their musical ability to be present. i agree that technical perfection isnt what rock and metal are about but i dont think caveman and the band dempathiseing the playing and centering on the vocals and overly mixing (turning it into another caveman or roy z production of bruce solo) is anything to be praised.

the mix is even more torturous if i listen to it on my pc in 5.1.
you like the album, good for you. it would be great if they were adding dimension to their musical style but narrowing their playing style to sound younger/fresher/more current means they are done makeing their mark and they should quit and let the younger fresher bands play the younger fresher current sound trend game.
I don't think an album needs to be "groundbreaking" to be good. Maiden do tend to reuse shit and they use the C5 D5 E5 progression way too much, but they somehow still make interesting music. I too can hear about 3 or 4 different Maiden tunes in each newer song but I get over it quickly.
If you have a guitar hit the E5 power cord rooted on the A string,wait 2 counts, then hit the D5 also rooted on the A string,2 counts, then the C5and back to the D5...with 2 seconds between each chord.

Think of how many Maiden songs use that.

Now do a gallop throughout the whole progression, now think of how many more Maiden songs that sounds like.
DoD is an exercise in self-parody. Truly a horrible album with what might be the shittiest sound quality I've ever heard. The album is like a vision of a 85-year-old drunkard being eaten alive by an army of red maggots with blooded feces and vomit covering his ass-raped body.

To make it short: DoD sucks dicks.
how come yer copy sounds so much better than mine?

Ok, maybe I wasn't honest enough, but you have to know Maiden was once my favorite band and they did some awesome music back in the 80s. So I kind of let my childhood memories to affect my rational thinking. That's why I gave DoD a better rating than it truly deserves. I'm sorry. :)
I could do better than what Ben just typed, but I would have to play Montsegur first to properly put my anger and frustration into words. Will anyone ever be allowed to get across to Steve the message that he sucks so much as a songwriter? If I see him in real life I'll be tempted to run over and slap his face repeatedly and punch his stomach without even saying a word. Damn him.
i liked bnw too and i like steve's writeing and have never agreed with the to many repeated chorus's thing...

but when i got dance of drivel i was truelly offended that maiden released the stinky pile and i felt stupid for buying it, cuz it seemed like a blatant attempt to rip me off, and it succeeded..