Your views on Dance Of Death?

8-9 songs is enough. They should have concentrated on the best ideas only and work from there. Also recording the album "live" was not a good decision. Why not doing it the old way when they recorded every instrument separately. There are professional guys who can do wonders and mix up a great recording. Martin Birch is not the only guy.
My guess is they got lazy and didn't want to spend months in studio recording and actually finishing the songs. Maybe they also got creedy and didn't want to hire more professional studio staff. Kevin Shirley did nothing to the band. Any amateur would have succeeded better even without high tech mixing tables.
The fact is Maiden died somewhere in 88 or 89. Steve's personal problems and depression was enough to make one inspiring album in 1995, but that's it. Everything after that has been downhill.
Also I don't see how they can make an energetic album with new ideas when they're living in Hawaii and elsewhere. They should do what Balboa did in Rocky III and return to their hometown. Maybe Steve could get his edge back and Dave could visit the seedy strip clubs in his area so he can give us more classics like "giving a swish with your arse in the air".
A new producer wouldn't hurt.

Someone should make Steve Harris write a 100 times, "One bass intro per album, and the chorus is repeated only once."
The three guitars idea is preposterous. They are all so afraid of upsetting the fragile balance that no new heights are even attempted, much less reached!
The songs are mediocre, some descending into parody, and the production is perhaps the worst I have heard from a major artist ever.

Get rid of Janick, get a producer who knows how to achieve a contemporary sound without sacrificing the Maiden legacy, and fuck all wives, girlfriends and rug rats off for the duration of the recording of a new album.
keep up a steady supply of cognac, scotch, weed, or whatever the fuck else will inspire these pricks, cos if the next album is anything like DoD, I'm gonna get off after 22 years of loving the band.
Nightwing said:
The three guitars idea is preposterous. They are all so afraid of upsetting the fragile balance that no new heights are even attempted, much less reached!
The songs are mediocre, some descending into parody, and the production is perhaps the worst I have heard from a major artist ever.

Get rid of Janick, get a producer who knows how to achieve a contemporary sound without sacrificing the Maiden legacy, and fuck all wives, girlfriends and rug rats off for the duration of the recording of a new album.
keep up a steady supply of cognac, scotch, weed, or whatever the fuck else will inspire these pricks, cos if the next album is anything like DoD, I'm gonna get off after 22 years of loving the band.

bands with 3 guitarists even the ones that have done it well havent dont it consistantly. maiden has never done anything for 3 guitars though-the 3rds only ever used for fills.

maiden ever does anything useing the 3 guitars and bass anywhere near as well as the outlaws did on green grass & hightides i'll even forgive them for letting an extremely immature 26 year old girl be in charge of their website and take out her inexperience on their fans. but unfortunately when you combine the way they allow their fans to be treated on their website, and how the people in their fan club are never given what they are promised, and the excessive prices for their concert tickets and the TOTAL SHIT dod album, it's getting close to impossible to believe that maiden care anything about music or their fans anymore, and all they are interested in is more money.
Tangerine Dreamer said:
The album is like a vision of a 85-year-old drunkard being eaten alive by an army of red maggots with blooded feces and vomit covering his ass-raped body.

Yes, I too think the production is the lowest of the low, but I like the album. Here's a guy that can still appreciate the do re mi progression. :) But of course I'd much rather prefer they wrote some more intricate compositions like in Powerslave. They have simplefied their sound too much. It sounds like Maiden but it's much simpler. Like some rookie tribute band.
anonymousnick2001 said:
My friend had to pay them $5 to get rid of his copy.
even if i dont like an album & i need money, i hate selling um at the wherehouse-not because i got anything against celling cd's... the women that work there scare me. until i went there i didnt think it was possible for human women to be hairier than me...

i had been planning on cashing my dud cd
i mean my dod cd for a while, just finally did on thursday? after the crap at the imbb i said fuck these assholes & took it & rock in rio and a dvd i found in the mall parkin lot when i was cuttin threw it about 3am. i got $13
almost made back the money i wasted buying dance of drivel to begin with...