Your weekend plans?

I am eating food, and I am going to the bathroom to take a shit, but after I am done doing so, I will eat more food.

I like that word. shit. its sounds so grotesque and unladylike. but when a girl takes a shit, its a world of pure joy and pleasure shes feeling. shirimas.

welcome back jesse! tee
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
I am eating food, and I am going to the bathroom to take a shit, but after I am done doing so, I will eat more food.

I like that word. shit. its sounds so grotesque and unladylike. but when a girl takes a shit, its a world of pure joy and pleasure shes feeling. shirimas.

welcome back jesse! tee

what?! i thought that girls never take a shit!

1.fecal matter is everywhere. everywhere. the bacteria spreads and its onyour hands, your walls and your food.

2. whenever you smell the air from another person that has used the bathroom, that is the molecules of fecal matter in gas form, going up into your nostrils.

Happy eating!
@Celtik Militia: Behemoth is a great band. The band replacing Hate Eternal was Pungent Stench, an Austrian death metal band. I saw them in the beginning of August too. They're not really good.

The singer of Unleashed is quite a phenomenon...
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
omg this weekend is going to BEAT ME UP! either that or some very drunk people dancing to REDNECK STOMP off the new album will. rednecks do not like us dark folk.
It's ok, you'll be witha bunch of extremely white company...we'll pale you up by proxy.
This weekend sucks, but next weekend I'm going to the Rennaisance Fair to watch a bunch of guys pretend to hit eachother with swords and say "thou art", it's going to be awesome, then on Sunday, a local Bavarian inn/restaurant is doing Oktoberfest, and it's my birthday so I can make all my friend buy the beer. @Tomasz, salute to a fellow Vanagon driver, I drive a Weekender, one of the most kick-ass car ever built, imo we go.

obituary/napalm death @ some scummy place

the two first bands were terrible. i can tolerate it but my cohorts couldnt. also, i had a nice mellow feeling from some hydrocodine i took, but it wore off due to the first band. I had a headache the whole rest of the time. Napalm death was awesome obviously, i think Barney still has it. he's pretty. obituary played all the songs i liked, thankfully...but i still didnt get to hear this "redneck stomp". maybe it was better that way.

Tomaszszsz and wife: nice to meet. hope ya digs me. be gentle with the shittalking- im a fragile girl.

Belgar the douchebag: also, nice to meet. youre probably also saying something bad about me. is my neck too long? is my hair to curly? is my penis too small? i want to smoke heroin with you. We can share cocaine straws and everything.

Mattsicle and Dave: awesome people with awesome humor. I felt kind of awkward at first, but then i realized that it was nothing to worry about. And, this probably the drugs speaking but Im sorry about the whole school thing and job thing and family thing. I hope you get your shit together and lead an awesome life, because i know douchebags who are living in the lap of luxury, and fuck it pisses me off that you dont deserve to have a shit life. ah, well, keep that Positive Mental Attitude. oh yah, heres the video :

My broseph in Orlando: I know were supposed to be too kvlt to give each other shoutouts, but I damnit i missed you at the show man. wahhhh wahhhh.

M. Bhoorasingh, Lycanthropizer

oh this was the best line of the night:
(on drinking and driving)

Me: hah! im not riding with you. You'll crash the car...
Belgar: im not a child molester. you dont have to worry.
Me: uh... no i mean we might crash...
Belgar: listen, i have a girlfriend. i wont do anything to you.

Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
Belgar the douchebag: also, nice to meet. youre probably also saying something bad about me. is my neck too long? is my hair to curly? is my penis too small? i want to smoke heroin with you. We can share cocaine straws and everything.
oh this was the best line of the night:

(on drinking and driving)

Me: hah! im not riding with you. You'll crash the car...
Belgar: im not a child molester. you dont have to worry.
Me: uh... no i mean we might crash...
Belgar: listen, i have a girlfriend. i wont do anything to you.


bah, I got nothing bad to say about you. I mean I sorta was disapointed none of you would drink with me ... that's about it and wondered why you guys left 2 songs into Obituary.

For the rest, I guess I misunderstood you with all the noise .. but yeah .. I am not a child molester and stuff ... at least I offered a kind lift to shows if you ever need one.

Bh, this is what drinking and talking does to me ...

Oh yeah ... let me edit this ... only impression of you ... for someone who is so outspoken on the forum ... you seemed so shy ... come on ... you know I am a tender loving guy .... see you at the next show. :D
friend dave gottened sick :(

1. i put off drinking for a while.

2. i am a total bitch drinker. its so embarrassing that i never drink hard in public. I make the gayest faces.

3. I homebrew. I cant stand my own brew, but other people love it. i think you live by a really good homebrew shop called The Pantry? I really want to go there sometime.

I was joking around about the driving thing. heh. Fuck, Im not allowed to be choosy at the moment. Ill ride in your damn trunk if I have to.

Drink beer
Watch college football
try to get laid/get laid


Watch more football
drink more beer
try to get laid/get laid

wash, rinse, repeat. Throw in some work here and there and thats it.

Oh yeah, throw in 18 holes of golf or play soccer for a few hours.
finally, I can see
got a new monitor

was nice seeing the forumers at the show, they were just as I immagined them, outspoken on-line and unspoken elsewhere, sort of like me I suppose, at least initially

yes Golden Hall, Vanagon is the vehicle of all vehicles, it's my fairly new toy, preping for next year's tour across amerika, in the meantime I try going camping every 2-3 weeks, not my daily driver, the fking clutch is so damn high that it makes it painful driving in the stop and go traffic