you're just gonna have to take it...

I can agree with you on Euphoria Morning, there's something I love so much about it, I think it has a lot to do with what was going on in my life when I first listened to it, and how it always seems to bring me back to a bittersweet feeling, but soothes me as well, odd. I haven't heard the new stuff, it's really good?

It's quite similar to Euphoria Morning, although I'd say Euphoria is just a teeny bit better. I mean, come on...Sweet Euphoria? Who else could top that? But this album is a little more bluesy, so it's a step in a different direction. His voice is a little more gravelly; he sings really well but he doesn't wail like he used to. I'd like to see him live just because he's Chris Cornell, but most of these songs are slow to mid-paced, inner-reflection songs. The kind you just sit on the couch and stare into nothing while listening to.

The cover of Billie Jean is pretty cool, too.

I, too, have bittersweet feelings about Euphoria Morning. It wasn't necessarily a bad time in my life, but there were big changes, and I find comfort in reminiscing, although it was the beginning of the end for certain things in my life.
He did a great job on the Casino Royale theme. I was impressed.