YT: Dual Rectifier / Axe Fx comparison

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Had less to do yesterday so I cooked together a comparison between a mic'ed Dual Rectifier and Axe Fx New recto straight into my sound card.

It's not that I tried to copy one or the other with the sound but they turned out sounding pretty much alike.

Whichever one sounds best is up for you guys to decide...


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Nice comparison. Thanks! The real Mesa definitely sounds fuller and more beefy. The Axe-FX has a bit of a hollow sound with the trademark squelch in the upper mids. Seems to be lacking the low-mid content essential for the Recto growl. Both sound good, though.

will you ever make and axefx miced video?
(axefx --> dual rec poweramp ---> lonestar cab)

Try to lower the BIAS control a tad. I know that the stock 0.350 is the "optimal" voltage for the power tubes, but all amps I've A/B:d needed lower BIAS in the AFX to get it closer.
Axe Fx New recto straight into my sound card.

Are you feeding the DI into input 1 or input 2 on the rear or back into the INSTR input at the front? The reason why I ask is that there seems to be a lot of posts around the place the say it sounds better to re-amp through the front INSTR input because it has the "special sauce". You'd probably need a re-amp box.
I agree that the real recto sounds a tiny bit better, but I'm amazed at how close the Axe sounds.

Thanks for taking the time to create the video.

I'm going to throw my .02 in! Why not ;)
They both sounded excellent. And I actually think the AXE sounded tighter, but what I noticed was, the notes stuck out/ jumped out on the recto if that makes sense??
Especially those little bits with the low string run. The recto exerted the notes with like a bite for each note, but still was saggy. The axe was tighter overall, but the notes didn't pop out as much, giving it a more flat response. And I think there, and pretty much almost exactly there, is where mic'd vs sim will never be the same. I really would love to hear the AXE through the recto power section too!
It would definitely help eliminate a lot of what I said, at least i believe it would :p
I don't agree. It's the strength and versatility of the Axe-fx to use it direct.

Yes and no. Versatility comes from being able to do both. On the level of practicality now that's another story. IMO from what I'm reading around the place is the majority of Axe-FX users fall into two categories. The first, like you say, want it to use it direct because they can't use big amps & cabs for what ever reason, be it a sound control issue where they live (like me), or just don't have the resources or cash to own multiple amps & cabs (like me). The second category use the Axe-FX live. I know which one I prefer the sound of. I also know which one I'd prefer to lug around to venues.

So one that note I'm glad that this demo is direct. A true comparison would do all three. Axe-FX direct vs Axe-Fx through a cab vs Amp Cab. Now that would be cool (wink wink).