ZANEX!! Come here dude!


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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I went to my favorite cd store today. I was tellin ol Ron about ya. He is puzzeled. LOL..He shaved his beard again,,,he looks like a kid haha!...While I was there..I picked up LOW by the MIghty TestAment. These guys are good man,,real good. I will soon have them all.
ledmag (steel book, heavy novel, etc...)HA!HA!HA! What's going on? I think I will skip Aerosmith, $75 a pop is very steep. The only reason I would go is to see the Cult. I've seen Aerosmith 3 times already. Like I said, the old Aerosmith ROCKS! (PUN INTENDED), the new shit since "get a grip" sucks. The new name of the Millenium I believe is the Blue Max. Also, Ron knows me as the guy who knows his old roomate Clint. A friend of mine played bass in a band called Ovid with Clint and Steve. I occasionaly sang with them. But anyway, tell Ron I'm the guy from winchester that knows Clint and Steve. Maybe this will ring a bell. Also, Zeppelin IV (side 2) is good "sex music" along with Physical Graffiti songs. Take Care.


ZANEX "I AM THE DOG":heh: :headbang:

Hahaha! Dude! Ron and I R trying to start a band as we post. AND,,Ron is going to sing!! And yeah man,,Zep is good stuff. I have everything by those guys. Page and Plant were great in 95, would have been better with John Paul,,but none the less,,they kicked ass. Yeah, Ill tell ol Ron. If you play an instrament,,you should contact us dude. We are going to get something going,,,as soon as we find the ppl. I see you have read "Redmans" post. HAHAHA! That steele book stuff,,,that is good stuff...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Hey dude! It's Saturday and I just got through talking to Bobby and Al. Al's moving the store to Mount Sterling. This pisses me off:mad: But, Al said it was cheaper rent in Mount Sterling and it's only about 15 minutes away, (2 beers in Al's terms) from the Winchester store. I guess this still beats driving to Lexington. As far as playing an instrument, I play a little guitar and I'm not very good (I don't practice like I should and I drink too much beer and get frustrated when playing). I can't read music and I only know a few chords. However, I occasionally sing and had a project called M.D.K. (MURDER, DEATH, KILL) from the Sylvester Stallone movie Demolition Man. The band were, and still are, good friends of mine. They were called Stone King, and they did all original material. A lot of people said they sounded like Sabbath meats Zeppelin, with a bit of Rush thrown in due to there technical abilities. But when they would play, I would get up and we would become M.D.K. and do a set with them that consisted of White Zombie- Thunder Kiss, Down-Losing All, Kyuss-Tangy Zizzle, Black Sabbath-Paranoid and Fairies Wear Boots, Kiss-Shock Me, Cold Gin, and Rock N' Roll All Night, and an original song I wrote called "Offer My Soul" that sounds like a mix of Zombie meets Pantera. Needless to say, only die hard metalheads liked what I did, but the majority of the Winchester crowd at Gator's Nite Club (R.I.P.) didn't get it. They wanted their Lynyrd Skynrd, AC/DC, Bad Co., and more radio friendly material. That's fine and dandy, but I want something more brutal and Heavy. Anyway, good luck with everything. I occasionally sing now at open mic nights, but I'm constantly writing lyrics. Take Care.

ZANEX "I AM THE DOG" :heh: :headbang:

My old band was 1st called Orions Belt,,then due to a vote(not mine) it was changed to FlyHard. When we practiced would pick songs from Sabs first album,,,Led 2(just name one),,MOnster Magnet,,and a few other bands.AND WE PLAYED COLD GIN DUDE, that and duece. We had several originals of which I came up with the music,,then the bass player would write the lyrics. I do have a few songs (lyrics), but the songs were ***too heavy***for them hehe. My riffs and stuff are heavy,, I suppose he just wrote softer lyrics(less violent and less to the point).

We had a few gigs, mostly created by us,, we did this thing at my farm here in Estill, we did it 2 times,,we sold food, pop, and several,,uh,,,um,,,well......lets just say other things. We (my dad, brother, Uncle, and I) built a double decker stage,,covered it with a 20x20 tarp,,Lights,,bubble machine,,etc,etc...The first time we had 150 ppl all day and 5 bands includeing us. The second time we did it we had 300 ppl and 6 bands. We played a big birthday party,,and another band rented the HS gym in powell co, and we opened for them(50 ppl). Then the bass player got a 4 wheeler,,,and the band broke up. The songs were not really all what Iwanted,,but in a small town,,,its hard to be choosy. YOu say you sing eh? Damn. I have to give Ron a chance. If ROn does not work out,,,,I may give you a ring,,,if you want.
Just on Tape dude. I have tapes of 3 of th ebands I have been in. We arent like big professionals or anything,,but we rocked. If I had your adress I would mail you a couple tapes, unless you know of another way(i am not a pc genius). But thanks for the interest!
Let me know if and when you;re going to have a parties or jam again. I love field party with lots of kegs and live music. I've sang on a wagon a few times. The only thing I have on tape of M.D.K. is a very poorly recorded practice. It was recorded with a boom box at the old practice place the "band room". It's got our versions of Losing All-Down, Tangy Zizzle-Kyuss, Shock me-Kiss, and an original I wrote lyrics called OFFER MY SOUL. It's about a girl "bitch" I almost got engaged to. PURE AGGRESSION AND HATRED. Also, there are two other originals with me singing and bass and guitar, no drums. They're called Fragile Flesh and Threat To The Gods. Hell, this was back in 1996-1997. But, I'll shut up for know. Let me know how things turn out with Ron.


ZANEX "I AM THE DOG":heh: :headbang:

Yeah man,,I let you know if we have another one. When and if I get a band,,,we WILL have more. Ppl have begged for another. We even have a web page for the thing heheha!. ANd I will keep you posted on Ron and I. ANd ,, hehe,,I jave this OLD Kareoki(spell) machine that I did every live recording on. I said did cause its fucked now,,hahaha! My tapes are low quality too. BUt the ideas and licks and riffs are there.