ZEH DRUNNK threadd

Only time I went to a strip club, the beer was 9$ and it was a fucking Coors Light.

fuck strip clubs, in Vegas I payed a 30 dollar cover charge and then had to pay 10 dollars for a domestic beer while having girls with bizarre skin disorders try to entice me to let them grind on me for twenty bucks. We weren't there very long.

Oh and I'm only a LITTLE drunk right now :waah:
the language of gay.
lol'd. oh Swaby, you're definitely UM high tier <3
Not every woman likes the romantic shit though, some of them think a bit alike men which is very convenient at times :lol:
You are not high tier, you are shit to low, you are a total fag.

But, I do think proper French does sound quite nice, however french canadians sound like dirty fucking muts. Taber-Fucking-nak
nice...wait you have to be 18 in canada to drink?

found a nice surprise....mom has a bottle of kahlua woot woot. i am now drinking kahlua+eggnog, not to bad actually

Looking at a map of Canada, you start at British Columbia (the boot looking one on top of yous guyz). Drinking age is 19 there, as you head east it switches 18/19 until the Eastern Canada where its a big shit-pot of fake scottish people where the drinking age is probably 9. Its 19 in Ontario, I have a few friends who just turned 18 but they dont have much trouble getting into your average place...18 year olds usually make a pilgrimage to Quebec to get really drunk at 18 because "0mg you can to bars!!"...never did myself, as I never got into going out and not being a fag until I was about 21 :p

Damn, born in wrong country, lol@my moms family being Vietnam draft dodgers :lol:!!

Anyway, I played Kings tonight. Best rule ever...cannot use vowels when you speak. :D!
I think you're lying.
What kind of man would lie about that? You do realize It's kinda sad I went there :lol: Unable to get free-of-charge tits and ass :lol:
fuck strip clubs, in Vegas I payed a 30 dollar cover charge and then had to pay 10 dollars for a domestic beer while having girls with bizarre skin disorders try to entice me to let them grind on me for twenty bucks. We weren't there very long.

Oh and I'm only a LITTLE drunk right now :waah:

Yeah well the girls were pretty good there and a beer was only 5€ :blush: Only downside was that the entrance fee was 8€ and we added extra 2 as bribe to the guy to let us in since we were under 20 :lol:
More America is just fucked. Most kids are casual drinkings by the time they are 16 anyway :p

I started casually drinking around 15 (i.e. more than just a beer from dad every now and then), and by then most of my shitty village friends had been getting wasted for years.

o and Quebec sucks, in case you're a retard didn't know yet
let post counts decide.. lets see...

14535 vs. 377.. i can smell a winner
Last night was unexpected and fun. Was suposed to be club dinner, with all teams and parents and shit. Got off to a cool start with unlimited beer. Got off to a better follow up at the bar under one of my teammates which the waitress in the bar likes, free drinks ftw. And then ended up in town's disco the whole team coach included drunk as fuck. We closed the place. I got back home at 8. I'm a happy man, had been long without a day like that.


Bud Light Golden Wheat still tastes like a piss and Budweiser fails once again at trying to make fancy beer.

Maybe its because this is the first time in a while I've bought light beer but at 8 dollars for a 6 pack I feel a bit raped


Bud Light Golden Wheat still tastes like a piss and Budweiser fails once again at trying to make fancy beer.

Maybe its because this is the first time in a while I've bought light beer but at 8 dollars for a 6 pack I feel a bit raped

Beer in North America is damn expensive..I mean decent beer. I always buy Pabst blue Ribbon or Old Milwaukee Best dry, it's cheaper. But thought, I really enjoy Pabst ahaha, here in quebec I buy a 12 pack it costs 11,69$ and its 5,9%...It rawkks