ZEH DRUNNK threadd


Moar ginz!

my freind made me take a masive crystel toke, then right after I did went to bed.
So I got bored and im here.


^yechhh tell me about it, most of my village here has been drunk the past few days...mostly military types on leave, and the people who live here who aren't in the military are always drunk anyways...probly cos the army expropriated them when they built the base...either that or because they're irish...
no, we just have a bunch of guys who like to think they are an army...hence my use of "military types" and not actually "soldiers" or something like that...actually I should prolly be more supportive considering the amount of people I know in there, but I can't bring myself to give a fuck...
yearly today i was pissed at the notebook, because there was no sound coming out suddenly. Only after 5 mins i realized i didn't had the phone in my ear :( i wasn't even that drunk
I now have two huge gashes on my back, with no clue as to how they got there. I also managed to rip my jeans quite badly getting out of my friends jeep. I also have a whole bunch of fucking girly drinks that for some reason we thought we needed a lot of.....