ZEH DRUNNK threadd

you didnt know the word chainmail so you typed it into google and that was the first result :P
KArrrrtoggelnpürree und tomantesuppe yeahahyeah, tomatensuppppppe!!!!!!!!
It's been a while since I've gotten shitty on A week day. Seriously considering finishing a bottle of rum tonight that I've had sitting around for quite too long
I got totally trashed in a small far away town on my birthday. 6 or 7 of us drank a 40 and a 26 of jager in a half hour, then ordered 2 more 26s when we got to the bar. With liberal application of road beers of course. We got free hotel rooms and I woke up wearing only tight briefs. Definitely different from the boxers I was wearing the night before. My friend got punched out in front of some cops who we decided to refer to as Mr Constable. I haven't had such a night of stupid drunkeness for a while...
Moonshine for new years. 180 proof. I'm going to add my fermented figs in to make some type of brandy. I have fermented apples as well, wine?