ZEH DRUNNK threadd

haha cool

when I get drunk I usually talk power bullshit over and over and punch everybody, Ive got n¡thrown out of clubs several times haha
i am drunk. warpaint is fantastic! fabulous ensiferum!!!!!!!
cidre is niceeee but not but but its also bitter! cob shood be good as cool and hot! you know wot i mean? priobably?! of courdddddddddddddddde you do! i am dsoooo intellleigant! an atrist hwho will be the bst photogrspher for bands ever! ,akeup and everything! i LOVE ALEI anf wolverine + Peeeerti Lindroos + Shagrath! and alle Elven blonde metal boys ......Celotape treer. stir fry. r so anal. i pik stuuff down . jobe is soooooooooooooooo coool , "badass"!! im not nmurky, but his BEST FRIEND YAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who sis his sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiiidgter"! onlt just! hahahahahhahhahahahah petri has a good cock i bet! alexi@s is small but i bet ges gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i n gehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LIOVE EVERYONE ETAL IS GOOD> I aM COLLOOOOOOOOL . FUCKKIND HPRNS UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


That pretty much is the best drunk post I ever read. So much wins and fails intertwined in the same post, it's almost unbelievable.
Sorry about last night, lol, we were pretty wasted.

I'd been wanting to post on the thread a million times when I was drinking, but never managed it.


drunk again or just 12?
Dude, you don't have to be dick.

Sorry being a bit smashed in a fucking DRUNK thread.

Also; no, I'm not 12. You're off by almost a decade.

He was pointing out, having the goal to post drunk on the internet is really lame :/
If it happens, it happens, if its what you plan on doing, you're fucked.

Also I would have assumed you were 14-15 :p
Yep, thanks cliff.

...and being 20 doesnt make planing to post drunk on some board any better :lol:
Okay, I totally see your point(s), but only because you got the wrong end of the stick.

I'd never planned posting beforehand, and I'd react the same way you did if somebody clearly had.

What I meant was that I had, whilst drunk, been like "OMG I SHOULD POST IN THE DRUNK THREAD" but I'd never been able to, due to my state or whereabouts.

The reason I said that I might post again was because I was getting drunk in my house, and the thought might occur in my brain again.

I totally see where you guys were coming from, but that wasn't the case.

Also, I'd like to imagine myself my real age, and not 14, for fuck's sake!

Okay, I totally see your point(s), but only because you got the wrong end of the stick.

I'd never planned posting beforehand, and I'd react the same way you did if somebody clearly had.

What I meant was that I had, whilst drunk, been like "OMG I SHOULD POST IN THE DRUNK THREAD" but I'd never been able to, due to my state or whereabouts.

The reason I said that I might post again was because I was getting drunk in my house, and the thought might occur in my brain again.

I totally see where you guys were coming from, but that wasn't the case.

Also, I'd like to imagine myself my real age, and not 14, for fuck's sake!