Zero Hour & Odin's Court east coast US mini-tour

J-Dubya 777 said:
Can I just send you a picture of me giving you the love? :heh:
I wish I could make it out east for one of these damn shows! :(
Kick some ass! NO Africa!

Yeah, hopefully you'll catch us one day. :D

Hmmm. That's an idea. Could be a good chance to pull out a version of that song... :goggly:
This is getting close! Hope to see some of you at some of these shows. :)

Also, for those of you going to Jaxx, it’s all ages and only $12 in advance (from us). $15 at the door. If you decide to go, if possible, please get tickets ASAP (THROUGH US of course). Since this show is part of a tour, we’ll be really busy the week of the show(s). So if you wouldn’t mind buying tix at your earliest convenience, that would rock. If it is the week of the show and you can go, we still ask that you get them from us. Hopefully everyone won’t wait until the last minute. ;)
Andrea keeps bugging me "We need to order the Odin's Court tickets!". So, I will this weekend. She really misses y'all and wants to see y'all playing again, as do I. We haven't talked much lately and that sucks.
OdinsCourt said:
You rock, Steve! Hey, your buddy Dave coming?

Unfortunatly, no, he's not coming. He told me that he did not really care much for Zero Hour :erk:. However, he friggan loves Secret Sphere (go figure). Oh well, I guess to each thier own.

Personally, the more I am listening to Zero Hour, I am that much more impressed! I am currently listening to some of thier old material (off thier re-released Metomorphisis album), and I think it is awesome. These guys are quickly becoming one of my favorites.

BTW, you did get my payment haven't you? I just have'nt seen a ticket arrive in the mail yet. Just hope I get it before the show :OMG:.
Well, ZH might not be everyone's thing, but I think folks like Dave may warm up to them if they listened to the new CD a few times. And he may not care for them, but besides them being super nice guys, he could come support Odin's Court! ;) He hasn't been to see us yet - try to get him to come on our account. It's only $12. ;)

Yes, I mailed it the other day. Just been super busy. Sorry it took so long. YOU ROCK!
It's time! Our mini-tour with Zero Hour is finally here. Just one more reminder about dates. :)

* Nov 9: Worcester, MA at the Lucky Dog Music Hall: if you come, please tell them you came to see Odin's Court at the door to help support us and Zero Hour on the road. Only $5. 21+ only. The legendary guitar shredder JOE STUMP is also on this bill. This will be a great show, and we hope to see folks out for our first trip to MA. www.LuckyDogMusic.Com.

* Nov 11: Springfield, VA at Jaxx: only $12 from Odin's Court. Please buy tickets in advance from Odin's Court to save yourself money ($3+ per ticket) AND support Odin's Court/Zero Hour. All ages show! FYI for all you on the fence, pay for ZH/OC is determined by our ticket sales. There is still time to get tickets - we'll do will call for you at the venue. You can order on our website through PayPal/credit card, or email us for info on cash, check, or money order. www.JaxxRoxx.Com. This show has a lot of great bands on the bill, so hope to see you out there!

* Nov 12: Brooklyn, NY at The Hook. If you come, please tell them you came to see Odin's Court at the door to help support us and Zero Hour on the road. Only $7. 18+ only. This show should be a blast, as this is Odin's Court's first trip to NY. The boys in Zero Hour and us will tear it up! www.TheHookMusic.Com.

Hope to see you on the road! If you're too far away to make one of these shows, you can always check out our live DVD. ;) Go to our website for free video and audio samples, and to order.

Rock on!
- Odin's Court
Great show,well worth the price it was great to finally see you guys live since the last time was at the Moose Lodge.:rock:
Now to nurse the hangover:kickass:
That was a friggan killer show Saturday night! That had to of been one of the best nights of metal that I've seen there. I'd love to see more prog metal nights like this (instead of all the usual death metal nights they seem to have at Jaxx).

Odin's Court definitly put on one of their best performances. Kinda depressing that they will not be playing again for a while, though. Oh well, the new album will be something to look forward to.

Also, it was awesome to get to see alot of my good metal friends, such as those from the pool party. Of course, we had to assume the "DVD positions" during Odin's Courts performance, that is, we were in the same positions from during the DVD shoot. :rock:

And of course, Zero Hour was awesome! After having getting a chance to listen to all thier albums, I was really able to appreciate there performance much more than I did in Atlanta.

I am so glad to get to attend this show, and see many of my friends both in and out of the bands. I'll have to get some of these pictures I took up for all to see.

I just wish the drive home was a bit better though. Fucking ended up trashing my still relatively new 2005 Saturn, thanks to the fucking wind and rain. Spun out and kissed the guardrail just north of the Stafford exit, a mere 10 miles or so from home. :ill: Hopefully, it appears to be pretty much body damage, in that I did not do any structural/mechanical damage. The engine was still running and no airbag deployment, as well as Labryinth still playing on the stereo.
Great show,well worth the price it was great to finally see you guys live...
It was nice to meet you! Thanks for coming and the AWESOME support. Please tell your friends from the Caffrey board thanks as well for coming and supporting us! You all were cool people - hope to see you again soon. Keep in touch!

...last time was at the Moose Lodge.:rock:kickass:
Yes, I have a feeling our performance Saturday was a bit more exciting than the Moose Lodge. ;)

Now to nurse the hangover:kickass:
Rock N Roll!! :rock:
That was a friggan killer show Saturday night! That had to of been one of the best nights of metal that I've seen there. I'd love to see more prog metal nights like this (instead of all the usual death metal nights they seem to have at Jaxx).

Odin's Court definitly put on one of their best performances. Kinda depressing that they will not be playing again for a while, though. Oh well, the new album will be something to look forward to.

Also, it was awesome to get to see alot of my good metal friends, such as those from the pool party. Of course, we had to assume the "DVD positions" during Odin's Courts performance, that is, we were in the same positions from during the DVD shoot. :rock:

Yes, Saturday ROCKED! That was a great night of Prog/Metal. I really enjoyed Encompass and Brave, as always. Division TORE IT UP. Those guys always rock, but they were really kickin' it that night.

Ah, that's cool. DVD positions. You guys are so awesome to us. :)

And of course, Zero Hour was awesome! After having getting a chance to listen to all thier albums, I was really able to appreciate there performance much more than I did in Atlanta..
YES! Those guys are SO AMAZING. Not only among the most talented and unique musicians around, but some of the coolest people as well.

I am so glad to get to attend this show, and see many of my friends both in and out of the bands. I'll have to get some of these pictures I took up for all to see.
Yes, please do. I always love checking out pictures. :)

I just wish the drive home was a bit better though. Fucking ended up trashing my still relatively new 2005 Saturn, thanks to the fucking wind and rain. Spun out and kissed the guardrail just north of the Stafford exit, a mere 10 miles or so from home. :ill: Hopefully, it appears to be pretty much body damage, in that I did not do any structural/mechanical damage. The engine was still running and no airbag deployment, as well as Labryinth still playing on the stereo.

Dude, sooooo sorry to hear that! I'm just glad you're okay. The car can be repaired, but interstate accidents can be fatal. It was quite nasty that night with the rain and wind. :(
that was hardcore awesome, I'd never seen you guys live before but it was definitely sweet!
Hey, man! It was great to meet you. Thanks sooo much for the compliment! It so rocked that you drove from Boston for the show, and that was nice of you to give that other guy a ride at the end of the night. YOU ROCK! Hope to see ya around our forum from time to time...