
yeah i read this about 2 hours ago. I was in shock until i read that Sergeant D wrote it. That dude can be a comedic genius sometimes. And the comments are priceless.
Before we even heard a single note, someone already called it Beggarcore :D
It seams like every time this guy picks up a guitar, a new hilarious genre is born
Guy's for real?!? (ashamed to admit that I just wasted few mins of my life for the topic, but whatta hell)

- The Star: "If you want to donate a dollar, I'll give you an air hi-five via the internet"
- someone: "Wait i got it. Your band can suck dicks for money. You’ll earn it in no time. I got a dick and 2 bucks. Hit me up."

3,161$... never underestimate the power of gay communities when a man is desperately in need of helping hands! :lol:
Why is there John Mayer playing in the background of his begging video?

I managed to watch a couple of minutes of the video, and basically it sounded like "We can't be arsed to gig and all that hard stuff to pay Sturgis, someone please do it for us, k thx, god bless you guys. Oh yeah, and if you can spare thirty bucks, I'll write you a letter. Personally. With my own two hands. AWESOME."

Btw, it's kinda scary how these bands are somehow dependent on Joey to quantize their ass into something seemingly listenable. I mean... demo... 4500 bucks. I still think this is fruity.

If it was Devin asking for donation to get some extra cash to record a mongolian choir on the dark side of the moon i'd be first in line... uh, my mind boggles.

Jeff: I agree the idea is pretty genius from a specific point of view, but somehow the whole ordeal seems wrong to me.

Guys... I hate to say this on a public forum, but... I ran out of weed the other day. God doesn't want me to be without weed, so... can all of you throw me like, I don't know $3 or something so I could get a really big bag of weed?

For $3 I will send you a virtual joint to smoke in your email.
For $10 I will call you and let you listen to me do a bong rip over the phone.
For $20 I will mail you a letter that I wrote, while high on the weed you bought.

EDIT - This is actually quite funny. I have to respect the dude for having the balls to outright beg for money though.
What a little fucking cunt. This is a complete new low, jesus loving bender... seriously, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and the kids actually buy into this.

"I felt that God wanted me to create something more" or whatever he said, I love when people play the "God wants me to do this and that" card because they're such self-centered pricks that you really think that the omnipotence and infinity of the supposed God would give a SHIT about what a little shitface bell end does with his pathetic miniscule life. Loads of families would kill to get that kind of money to put food on their childen's stomaches and this fuckwads come out of the blue asking in the name of something they do comprehend for money to release music that defies the intelligence of laboratory mice.
I kind of want to start a donation page to try to cross book them with Joey--- Just continually buy the time slots they want and let Joey chain smoke on a beach somewhere.