Recent content by Aussie Metal

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    Black metal check these guys out
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    Black Metal. check them out
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    Thane Of Cawdor

    bump.....come on guys, check it out give us some feed back
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    Deathcore and metalcore suck?

    what a douche
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    Underground Death Metal?

    check out limb from limb excruciate the meat grinder meat snorkle defamer .... tell me what u think of those and ill shoot more depending on what tickles u
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    List of good Australian Deathcore / Death Metal bands

    its awesome to see phycroptic in ur big banner of awesomeness
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    List of good Australian Deathcore / Death Metal bands

    you need to look deeper then that man....those are basicly skull and bones records bands and the rest are just the massive deathcore bands we have. look into more of the local scene, thats where most of the real goodness comes from!!! ptc, good job on mentioning tomb of doom, they arent that...
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    The most picky person you will ever meet needs help!

    house vs hurricane? check it out dude its metal/electro tech/pop...its all so good they are from australia. only 1 ep so far but its awesome
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    Post your hauls here

    just purchased new empyrean album, new cradle and the new red shore all are a 100% win especially cradle
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    Black Metal without corpsepaint?

    Whats you opinions? Should it happen or shouldnt it? I know from exp that as a small band no one will even look twice at you if you come out with corpse paint... If you establish yourself first then people are more open to seeing what you have to offer. Whats it like where you are from?
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    Top Thrash Metal Albums of all time....

    what does everyone think of that newish band municipal waste?? im not into the trash thing very much but they are what i see thrash as these days... am i close? this is a thrash/blackmetal band from australia see if any of you like it
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    How Did You Get Into Metal?

    im the bastard child of angela gossow and varg vikernes so i was pretty much born into it
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    Black Metal.

    your definatly right about that. if anyone here has a slight interest in things beautiful yet black metal you should really listen to their stuff. when they play live i cant even move, i just get hit with wave after wave of progressive majesty....They are hands down the best band i have ever...
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    Black Metal.

    apparently its scottish and means "no forget"
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    best black actor?

    :kickass:for sure