How Did You Get Into Metal?

Though they we're not metal bands, mostly Nu-Metal at the time, but that grew as I watched metal shows on tv. Arch Enemy is what really got me even more interested.

AE fucking owns. :kickass:

I'm gonna have to say Master Of Puppets got me into first "gateway drug" :)

been getting into heavier and faster shit for along time now.
Wouldn't sleep unless mum had Maiden playing until I was like 3, and then I kinda branched away and my boyfriend in year 7 re-introduced me back into Maiden and it extended from there
My story is more of a switch over. I use to try to fit into the mainstream culture but at the same time enjoyed it. I wasn't liked very much back in my elementary years I also listened to hip hop and rap. I use to listen to pop artists and boy bands as a youngling; Back Street Boys, NYSNC, Britney Spears at the age of 7-9. When I turned 10 I started listening to hard rock. Stuff like Bon Jovi, Bon Scott, AC/DC, early metallica. I was big fan of Pink Floyd and Metallica when it came to rock. I use to listen to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" hell of a lot as a kid. Metallica I would just listen to individual songs from time to time off my dad's mix tapes, I also listened to some songs like Holy Diver from Deo and some Black Sabbath songs like War Pigs and Paranoid, Also some ozzy as well such as Crazy Train, Over The Mountain, etc. A few years later I sunk right into hardcore. I slowly grew out of the mainstream style and took a liking to bands like slipknot and mudvayne. I also got into some mainstream rock/punk such as green day, My Chemical Romance, all that gay shit if you will. At the age of 14 my early introduction to death metal came afoot, a year after I completely grew out of the mainstream music. The first bands I ever listened to was early Lamb of God and Cannibal Corpse. Funny thing actually at my middle 15 years I flipped to the music choice metal channel and got a listen to all these bands I never heard of also started listening to head bangers ball. Bands such as Exodus, GWAR, Hatebreed, Slayer, Pantera, Down, Deicide, Flotsam Jetsam, etc... Thats where my knowledge and inspiration of metal began to grew. I would discover more bands year by year and only try to read up on the few I endure. I got into Power metal at the age of 16 when my freind introduced me to Blind Guardian also the year I started lurking the internet checking out metal bands to find more feel to my likings. Wikipedia was a good reference but I never had that much of a bond with wikipedia. During my senior year my power metal knowledge grew a bit more towards a popular stream but not exactly mainstream. Bands such as Rhapsody of Fire, Lost Horizon, Firewind, Hammerfall, Symphony X, Wolf, etc. IT was not until the end of my senior year until I discovered black metal. Why it took so long I'm not sure. However black metal and death metal evenly grew for me since I wasn't totally into the death metal scene until the end of my senior year. Now here I am. I know about a good amount of death metal bands. I have taken a big reference of black metal bands on this forum so far, I'm still looking around the threads a bit and copying bands down that I don't know of. Thats pretty much it I guess. Now I decided since my freinds looked towards me on what band is good and what not I figured I would start a metal show and share my music to the public since I know I can put up a good amount of playlists for public listening at this time. It's a matter of me being prepared for my show. It is also an introduction to the broadcast world for me since I'm in college and all. However it has nothing to do with college I'm afraid. Just want to get a feel what its like to be on the radio. But yea thats pretty much it I think. Ever since I got into metal, heavier music has been a craving. The heavier the better but the more talented the better as well.
Well they are hardcore now so I figured labelling them hardcore wouldn't be that big of a deal. They were kind of metalcore back then but yea. So was Mudvayne. I don't like either of their latest stuff though. L.D 50 was the best mudvayne ever made. I own the album as well as slipknot's debute. Good stuff.