How Did You Get Into Metal?

I still like certain Mudvayne songs from back when I was just getting into metal, never got into them as a band though.

Mostly shit off of Lost & Found and World so Cold and Dig.
when i was 8 i think, at summer camp one of the older kids had a walkman with a korn cd. that was my first exposure, i went on and got into punk, when i was ten or so i got crazy towns first cd and liked the heavy crunching guitars. when i was twelvish i got my first real hook to metal, and wanted every korn cd i could get, when HIM showed up on the scene i began to get into them story of the year in flames and as i lay dying. when my stupid emo kid phase was wearing down i began looking for something heavier than anything else before. found iron maidens greatest hits, started trying to get all the metal i could, had a love affair with lamb of god. this all brings me to about the time i was 14 when i just began to descend into real metal, but its only within the past year that id say i truly loved metal and needed it like a drug
i basically started out listening to the more wellknown bands like Metallica, Pantera, Megadeth, Sabbath, Slayer, etc in jr. i became more obsessed with metal i would order pretty much everything metal that was in the Columbia House catalog.when i got the interwebs in HS, i discovered Napster and started picking up metal magazines from the newstand.i would download pretty much everything i saw in mags like Metal Maniacs, BW & BK, Pit, etc.
Theres a few songs I enjoy off it. Some are shit, some are good.

Yea well back then I was a quite new born to metal. Right now im like so so. I know a good amount of bands at the same time I don't know alot of bands. Mudvayne always been better than slipknot though IMO even though they both sound like shit now.
^ The Jester Race is a good enough reason right there. I wouldn't say it directly got me into MDM etc but it was definitely a stepping stone.

I thought Children of Bodom was Melodic Death Metal back in the day... I looked for more... and started coming up with things like Hypocrisy and Amon Amarth... a band from a genre not even close to MDM started me there.

Not how I got into metal in general, but some of how I got into more power metal stuff.

It was 2000-2001 and everything was all about Napster, and I, having the Internet for only a year or two thusfar, was pretty much riding the download wave, listening to everything I could. I was finding some good stuff, a lot of good 'extreme' metal, but sort of running into a brick wall in terms of more classic-derived metal....part of the brick wall was called 'Clayman' and it was starting to irritate me after a couple of listens. I had all my Maiden and Priest and W.A.S.P. and a couple others for 4-5 years already and I needed to expand. Not sure how, but I discovered Gamma Ray somehow and bought 'Land of the Free' when I was in Texas in early 2001. I really didn't have anything like that before then, and I was just sort of marvelling at this new, more colorful sounding music with really majestic songwriting and sci fi or esoteric sort of themes. I lived off that album for a little bit, and 'Crystal Empire' by Freedom Call had just came out that year, and I got that and it was another kind of sensory overload, what with all the lush colors in the art, tons of melodies, good, interesting riffs that veered a bit away from your typical two guitar thing..very over the top in terms of atmosphere (the band is about as happy power metal as you can get while still being great). and yet the production was sort of old school sounding (it is), which was really cool. I had people around who were still listening to Godsmack and other tripe, and just pulling Maiden out wasn't shocking enough anymore, now I would pull an album like that and just confound these people with the in-your-face ness of it all. Those albums then led me getting into Blind Guardian, Helloween (yes, later, oddly enough), and a lot of other stuff. I felt like making this post because I'm re-ripping some CD's to the computer and 'Crystal Empire' came up which I haven't played in a while now.
Oh, and as for getting into metal, see the other bands I listed above - Maiden (Best of the Beast to be precise..on cassette), Priest, W.A.S.P...these were all when I was around 11.. And Metallica, although they weren't as frequent a listen, except for 'And Justice For All...', that got played a lot. I became aware of heavier rock in general listening to a best of Styx when I was 9ish and wanting to create solo noises like Tommy Shaw and sing like Dennis.