Recent content by cannibal corpse

  1. cannibal corpse

    Lesser known band recognition

    I second Aspid as well. These are all excellent too: Vuvr Scythe Rippikoulu Razormaze (their first full-length hasn't been out that long but unfortunately they haven't gotten nearly enough recognition yet) Obliveon
  2. cannibal corpse

    Seriously bizarre movies

    I forgot to mention that one, but I have seen it and love it. Great movie. I've seen Tokyo Gore Police which I didn't like that much but certainly a weird movie. I'll check out the others you mentioned; thanks for your input. Also a huge fan of Braindead/Dead Alive although it's more...
  3. cannibal corpse

    Seriously bizarre movies

    Yeah, I loved the ending to that one. But maybe not as strange as the other movies I mentioned.
  4. cannibal corpse

    Seriously bizarre movies

    I've been pretty interested in surrealist cinema lately and wondering if anyone can give me any good ones. Some strange movies I've already seen are: Eraserhead (well of course), Scanners (which I love), Memento, Brazil and A Scanner Darkly. I'm going to watch Tetsuo: The Iron Man tonight, and I...
  5. cannibal corpse

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Writing an essay while listening to Spastic Ink.
  6. cannibal corpse

    French black metal

    haha I did actually request a name change, so now my username is cannibal corpse without the underscore. I checked out Nuit Noire. The music is great but they suffer from the same problems Circle of Ouroborus do. Those stupid clean talking vocals for example. Only thing that kept me from giving...
  7. cannibal corpse

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Neither was Lemmy kind of. He's just an important icon in the black metal world. He isn't really that bad if you ask me but it's nothing brilliant. The real power is in the melodies and riffs for Bathory anyway.
  8. cannibal corpse

    French black metal

    I have heard them but I don't listen to them currently. Any specific album I should start with?
  9. cannibal corpse

    French black metal

    I need some good french black metal preferably avant-garde or experimental. Currently listen to Blut Aus Nord, Peste Noire, Celestia and some Mütiilation.
  10. cannibal corpse

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Listening to Alestorm and being bored.
  11. cannibal corpse

    Kreator satanic? I sure a fuck dont think so. but my mom does.

    You could show her some of the lyrics if you want to prove to her they aren't that Satanic, although some of them are pretty violent, and I doubt it would help your cause. Worth a shot though, I guess?
  12. cannibal corpse

    Good symphonic black metal??

    I thought Ceremonial Embrace - Oblivion was good.
  13. cannibal corpse

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Listening to Abscess, might go make some food and then study.
  14. cannibal corpse

    The Band Shirt Thread

    Other two? lol, those two were it, this is the third day. >_> EDIT: Actually, those two were both yesterday. I said "hoping to get a Kreator shirt soon on the 28th of September at 5:05 PM, and then on the same day at 8:45 PM I said "yeah I'm probably going to get it tomorrow" and I did. I guess...