Recent content by juoppo

  1. juoppo

    CHILDREN OF BODOM To Release Collection Of Covers

    Fucking bullshit, there is just 3 new cover songs, rest of them are on different releases. They are just making money now.
  2. juoppo

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    found this from youtube. haven't listened bodom for a while but this cover was good one. Even Vocals.
  3. juoppo

    COB added to Guitar Hero 5

    there is different programs that you can add different songs in your GH. Though you need original game, one dvd, way to get that dvd working on your ps2 and then play.
  4. juoppo

    Kuka Helvetti Teki Sen?

    Miks meikä ei ees muista tällästä postia. Varmaan kännissä oon postaillu
  5. juoppo

    Bodomin suurkeikka Suomeen, perkele!

    Mitkä napit sää unohdit ottaa aamulla?Punaset vai Mustat?
  6. juoppo

    Acoustica Beatcraft

    Is there some good tutorials for making metal beats with that program?I mostly play stuff like Killswitch engage, as i lay dying and unearth.
  7. juoppo

    Ask Joonas

    Should are the members have the "ask -nick-" thread?
  8. juoppo

    Guitar Player's Thread
  9. juoppo

    Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

    December 1 1987, Turku. Don't Remember the Birth time tough :s
  10. juoppo

    Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

    "my kind" o-O :P?. Birth Chart probably would be nice. :-D
  11. juoppo

    Astrology, spiritual ant other alternative stuff

    why don't you try to tell something about me. sagittarius december 1. :P this kind of astrology/spritual stuff is interesting, have readed some pages it on internet.
  12. juoppo


    btw, does the jobbers in bar recognize you? At whiskybar on saturday i came in, didn't say nothing and the bartender(right word?) said "Lonkero?". i was like wtf. also same thing happened in rokkibaari. i probably visit too often in these places.
  13. juoppo


    Last night we went to one coffee/bar place and i ordered coke. it was like 2 euros and i gave 5 euros. i got back 5 euros+couple sents, whii
  14. juoppo


    considering about my nick, it is probably funny if i talk about this. have your drinking ever come to way, that it is just what you do on every weekend youknow? tonight we were going to drink, but everyone were just tired and bored. same old faces, same old bars, same shit everyweekend...
  15. juoppo

    Happy New Year!

    o fuck. i'm having terrible hangover now, drinked too much last night. never again.