Recent content by juxtaposed girl

  1. juxtaposed girl

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    The most important thing on this planet is money. That's why we pay for everything And it's shit
  2. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Nothing Bored shitless And eating is a chore
  3. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Enjoying my £90 bingo win :) would've been £130 but someone called with me on the £100 national ticket so only got half. Still, tonight only cost £10 so not a bad return. Think I'll treat my bf to dinner somewhere nice tomorrow night :)
  4. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    FUCK YOU ALL KNOBHEADS HAHAHAHAHA! i went and got a life for myself away from the internet crowd and spent the days in the sunshine with my BF. Its always refreshing to see that the schoolground mentality never really gets left behind. So much for tryin to make new friends and broaden my...
  5. juxtaposed girl

    You laugh, you lose

    Definitely a Classic Patrick question ;D
  6. juxtaposed girl

    Males and Females

    Question : do you feel guilty for doing it? Coz it sure seems to me like she doesn't or she wouldn't let you do it to her. Question: why do you think she won't touch you there?? And be honest, coz that's how problems get solved :)
  7. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Contemplating if I should text my ex back. . . He text me out of the blue tonight and so far I've fought the urge to reply. Sigh, I want to but. . . . Wow this is hard, Feel like I'm standing tiptoe on a ledge staring into the past and if I step forward I'll never come back. Love is a scary...
  8. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I understand, tbf we should've just PM'd each other from the start rather than making everyone read our crazy ramblings lol You are now back on the wedding invite list :D
  9. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I totally agree, especially when you buy a candle and it burns lopsided then your left with half a candle you can't use lol Do you melt all the candles you want to use in the same pot or do you melt them separately and then add them layer on layer to make the new one?
  10. juxtaposed girl

    Males and Females

    Yeah those things are pretty nifty, and the material is pretty good. Much better than getting a Monkey Spanker, I always thought those things looked painful lol and a must if you're likely to get wrist ache rather quickly. Was looking on a bondage website the other day a saw these things that go...
  11. juxtaposed girl

    The pics thread

    Cool knife. I just feel sorry for the chair :/
  12. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    I get like that too. I come over so tired then it kinda goes and I'm wide awake but really giddy, most nights I only get 4 hrs sleep anyways, me and sleep aren't friends so I get that whole fatigue thing a lot :/ Cool that you recycle and make your own candles :) do you just melt them all...
  13. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Yep and so is KafkaX but only cause he asked so nicely :lol: It's gonna be one hell of an empty wedding, but hey, that means it won't cost much either. Bonus! Lol
  14. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Whoa chill. We're just having a laugh. . . .ooh so serious :( And we have, that's what PM's are for. Happy now? Lol
  15. juxtaposed girl

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Brilliant! Can't wait my love :D Yeah haha most definitely not Zephyrus lmao :) unless he's being nice that is and not telling us off like naughty little children harhar :)