Recent content by Naragul

  1. Naragul

    how old were u?

    14/15, now 19 going on 20.
  2. Naragul

    [gig] 14.-15.07.2006 Bloodstock Open Air, Derbyshire (UK)

    One of the best shows I've seen in a LONG time
  3. Naragul

    why do bands down tune?

    I completely agree. I myself find it harder to shred in a lower tuning than Eb, but I do fucking love the crushing heavyness of chugging/thrashy riffs while tuned in C# or B. I've also found that down-tuning makes it easier to adapt to "shapes". For example, when using any tuning a minor...
  4. Naragul

    (The Other) Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time

    I've heard from an assload of sources that the pic of Hoest is faked. Kinda makes sense. I doubt Hoest shaves his knackers.
  5. Naragul

    why do bands down tune?

    I think the best way to learn about music theory is to actually take a class. Obviously you can do it yourself if your THAT self-sufficient but it will probably twice as long unless you have amazing natural ability. The tuning I use the most is Eb, simply to pay homage to my 80's metal heroes...
  6. Naragul

    I found some unconfirmed tour dates!

    Reading that was like finding out I have AIDs or something
  7. Naragul

    The Official Pirates Vs. Ninjas Thread

    Fuck, dude... I didn't know there was any other Pirate metal bands out there! (Actually more Folk/Black metal with Pirate themes) :rock:
  8. Naragul

    Ever wonder wat metal bands would look like as ordinary people?

    I'm positive that the third guy from the left in the third row is Michael Winner...
  9. Naragul

    What is the best guitar solo you have ever heard?

    The solo in Battle Hymns by Manowar make me want to whip out my love length and jerk it right there and then. Failing that, Speed Kills will definatly do it for me.
  10. Naragul

    Industrial elements on AYDY?

    I'm not trolling, I'm a huge CoB fan (At least until this new album is released, apparantly). All I'm saying is that Nevermore songs "mean" a lot more than Bodom songs, right down to way the music is played.
  11. Naragul

    Industrial elements on AYDY?

    So is the music...
  12. Naragul

    Biggest Reason Alexi is a complete tard?

    Bah... I couldn't give a fuck about what Alexi Laiho thinks or how he acts. I enjoy the music he makes and I'll leave it at that.
  13. Naragul

    CoB at Bloodstock Open Air

    Why you bloody cunt, you...
  14. Naragul

    CoB at Bloodstock Open Air

    Back on topic... Are Bodom definatley confirmed for BOA? Just to be a nosey cunt, where did you get the info from?
  15. Naragul

    REVOLVER and GUITARWORLD magazines...

    I'm English, but I can agree with this. Your still a cunt for saying it though ;)