Recent content by Perkeleen_Penikka

  1. Perkeleen_Penikka

    Own Pictures Thread

    I was thinking to get a little more active around here, so I could start with revealing my face. At the Oulu railway station. A horrible smile and my LOVELY blond roots -_____- Looks like there is nothing going on in my brain... Yeah, feel free to laugh. Or cry. Or puke.
  2. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    I can't even think about that as someone else than Henkka o____o So looks like him.
  3. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    Yeah... His eyes look kinda "bright" or something. Oh, they're not so bloodshot as usual, I think. Or then I am just being weird again.
  4. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

  5. Perkeleen_Penikka

    Ask Janne!

    Post edited 'cause I just noticed what a stupid question that was. Written half asleep, meh. So, a new one... Has there ever been a moment when you have felt regret for joining CoB? And edit again, second question which I just remembered I wanted to ask. So, I've read somewhere that you're...
  6. Perkeleen_Penikka

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    Here comes the translation of the Warmen-interview. Once again, sorry for my bad english, but I'm only fourteen and I have lost my dictionary. *The interviewer babbling something about skateboards* I: Today our "Main band" is Warmen, in which Janne from Children of Bodom plays the keyboards...
  7. Perkeleen_Penikka


    Taas se pirulainen on yhen vuojen selevinny hengissä, onnitteluni siitä! :D
  8. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    I am also going to see them for the first time this summer. Jumping to the walls 24/7 :p
  9. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    Let's just say that I am a pitiful little fangirl who has the habit to overreact ^^' I am already ashamed of that earlier post. :D
  10. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    For fuck's sake people, you do have some kind of a conspiracy thing against me, don't you? Admit it, you are trying to kill me! O_____O Some of those pics... Just... Ok I'll shut up now and drown in my drool.
  11. Perkeleen_Penikka

    Stupid topic: youre hairs

    Something like 50-60 cm. Doesn't look so very long, though, 'cause I'm something like 153 cm.. :S
  12. Perkeleen_Penikka


    I only have my ears pierced. One hole on each now, can't make any more 'cause they are so full of scars. I am planning to get my lower lip pierced, and if I would ever get a tattoo it would propably be the piano keys around my wrist, shoulder or ankle.
  13. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    Now that's exactly the Alexi I want back. Yes, he looks like a girl, but I think that's the thing for him.
  14. Perkeleen_Penikka

    Children of Decadence/Hip Hop

    So it was released on an album, not just in the net? And he/they made money with it?! IDIOT(S)!
  15. Perkeleen_Penikka

    COB Pics

    Looks like he finally got tired of people calling him a girl and a fag. I want the old Laiho back, the one who wears make up and has no beard! And what the fuck is that cap and a bandana -thing? He looks like a rapper.