Recent content by sinewavealex

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    R.I.P forum member Shay Ofer

    RIP :((((
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    Waves IDR?!

    Sorry to bring up an old thread but you know.. better search than start a new one, right? Question - If you're planning on exporting the master wav from the DAW using the same sample-rate (24b/44.1) and do the conversion on a different software, you don't need to use IDR. Am I correct? Thanks
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    Searching for a youtube video

    aaand there we go. Thanks kass! :worship:
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    Searching for a youtube video

    If you still have the URL, that helps, cause the name is cached by google. If you remember the name, can you link to the discussion thread? Thanks!
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    Korg Triton Le problem...

    Three things come to mind: 1. Leveling issues. Check your master levels in the keyboard settings (if it returns on more than one or two sounds) and adjust accordingly. If this only happens on those specific sounds you described (drums and piano), try editing their individual levels, or their...
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    Searching for a youtube video

    It was posted here, I think it's been a couple of years. A funny video with this guitarist doing a guitar workshop, explaining about his gear and how he gets this uber-great guitar sound and plays intricate jazz stuff while in reality it sounded like complete and utter bullshit with no sense...
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    Scarlett 8i6/Cubase 5 Disk Cache Overload

    Hi Guys, I'm having a disk cache overload situation. Ever since I replaced an Audio Delta 66 to a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6. I'm experiencing audio dropouts on and off, while the disk cache bar is in the red when that happens. even if we're talking about simply dragging an mp3 file to...
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    My eighties electro project

    After this thread: I felt encouraged to post my 80's revival musical project here for you to listen to :) I really hope you enjoy it! By any means this is not metal! and and this happy eighties remix...
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    M-Audio Fast Track USB, Good For The $?

    Used a FastTrack Pro for a live setup for years. Some noticeable noise levels, but overall, robust and portable enough for home and stage. Worth the dough IMO
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    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    I got 7 different keyboards, and this DX7 (and the korg 01W) have the best non-weighted keybed. I'm also digging the semi-weighted keys on my Kurzweil K2600 a lot, but it's a different key category. Too bad it doesn't have an octave +/- buttons.
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    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    in its original leather case from the 80's, incl. a ROM cartridge which is worth about 80$ alone, all for a puny 200$ and and
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    Making the switch to X64

    It's been some years since I got updated on what's going on in the availability of most software as x64, mainly because I was reluctant to make the switch. It still seems fresh to me. Now it looks like I have no choice but to make the switch since I'm looking to upgrade my audio workstation PC...
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    Free VST orchestra plug-in?

    I guess as far as orchestral libraries go, Miroslav Philarmonik is the cheapest out there?
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    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    It's like having 8 DX7 units stacked up in one synth, plus backwards compatibility with all previous yamaha FM synths. Oldschool phatness! and
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    Which Anti virus software should I use on laptop?

    As an internet security industry guy, I would recommend saving your $$ and get some plugins/gear instead of an AV. Haven't been using an anti-virus for years. In my dayjob, I find it totally inefficient in detecting new malware. My only guideline has been not visiting websites I don't trust...