Korg Triton Le problem...


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
Hey guys. I have a problem (I'm assuming it's a problem as I doubt the synth is supposed to sound like this) where there is a clipping type sound on my keyboard. It is most noticeable on the piano and drum sounds. It sounds just like what audio clipping sounds like. like an unpleasant slight distortion.

Here is an audio example of what I'm talking about.


And yes I have checked to see if it is indeed actually clipping my audio interface. I also checked with headphones straight from the unit as well as switching the cables. Has this happened to any of you guys before with any of your hardware synths? This really sucks as it doesn't seem like a cheap fix. Thanks.
Three things come to mind:

1. Leveling issues. Check your master levels in the keyboard settings (if it returns on more than one or two sounds) and adjust accordingly. If this only happens on those specific sounds you described (drums and piano), try editing their individual levels, or their layer levels. Can be a pain, but maybe worth it if it solves the problem

2. Output problem: Pretty sure the Triton LE has more than 2 outputs. Try the other stereo pair, and see if problem repeats. See if it repeats on headphones. You might need to replace the output jacks with someone who knows how to do it, or solder it yourself if you feel comfortable enough soldering and opening the synth to its guts.

3. If all else fails, this might be a pre-amp problem. Same as above, only I have no idea how to do it. You might need to check it with someone who can repair Tritons. They're fairly common so I don't think you'll have trouble ordering parts if you need.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Also try updating firmware (if there's an update), or a factory reset/hard-reset
thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. I'll make sure to do those things. I hope it's not too expensive to fix if it does need fixing. I spend almost a 1000 dollars on this thing about 10 years ago.