• Sorry, there are too many users on your account at this time.

Yeah, I think it'd be easier if you did a base track for me.

Btw, I can't even remember how many times I've heard "as this is your first track"...:p:D

Now I just need to get the bloody bass from our rehearsal place.

Both of those songs kick ass! I've Got the Fire is a kick ass cover that Maiden did in the early days. I dunno which version IC put up, but the live version with Di'Anno on vocals is awesome! Actually...both are awesome.

Total Eclipse is an original that IM wrote but got axed just before the release of Beast...in favor of Gangland. They admit now that it was a bad decision. Total Eclipse is a MUCH better song than Gangland.

You need to get up to snuff on Maiden B-sides! They did some really funny/cool stuff on their B-sides! Reach Out is one of my favorite Maiden Recordings...period!

arrrgh damn...... bloody myplay wont let me log off of ec's account so i can re - enter into mm's......seems the auto sign in feature i ticked on wont let me off....... even if i click on the ' not eddies cellmate? click here ' link..... i still end up on the same page...!

Any ideas lads....????

I fully want to grab those b sides..... btw.... does anyone have sherriff of huddersfield....??? The tab came in the sit book ive had for bloody years.....and its bugged me ever since as to what the bloody hell this sounds like...... unfortunately im not a good enough musician to read a piece of music.....and play it ( unless your making up an original) ....and appreciate what its meant to sound like........only bloody classical musos would posses such an ability imo......

Hey medsy!! You have to delete your cookie-file to get rid of the auto-login thingy...
In Netscape, go into the Netscape/users/"yadda"-folder and delete cookies.txt, in IE, just go into Windows/temporary internet files, and delete all.

I got Sherriff of Hudderfield. Where do you want me to put it? Its a fairly funny song..if you know anything about Rod Smallwood...but its not exactly what I would call a kick ass song. Its pretty simplistic to play. Its really more of a joke song.

My question is..what tab book do you have that has THAT song transcribed?!? :confused:

Btw..I can sight read sheet music. I am sure Constantine probably can too. Kinda becomes a mandatory skill when you play in a band/orchestra. I am probably kinda rusty at it now though...rely on my ears more. Try scoring a song you know one day (using a tabbing program that will also score it)...that'll teach ya pretty good on stuff! ;)
arghhhh... im still havin troubles here.........!!!!

Ive finally managed to log out ec's account..... now whenever i go to log back into his again... im getting the message you guys have been getting...... BTW... what happens with all the files on ec's account now that we can access them...???

Anyway... im trying to get into mm's.... but seems i cant get the password right.... im using the exact same as the old one.... but it wont let me in..... can someone email it to me..... just so i can check...also make sure its in upper or lowercase.... or both.....
