Ôde to Bitchbutcher

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I for one am ignoring this person.

I suggest you all do the same.

With no attention from us she may return to her life of eating twinkies all alone and calling her husband's cellphone every 30 seconds and getting no reponse as he's fucks another man/woman.

Btw, America kicked your country's ass twice so I wouldn't be bashing it.
^I'm rather curious as to where you are going with your stereotypical views. My use of the iron cross is not representing nazism, it's in fact a sigil used in satanism, too. Also, if you get to know me, I'm an unattached individual who shuns love and affairs, especially via indirect means.
okay, seriously. stfu. you piss me off.

Why would you let her get under your skin?

That's what this troglodyte wants and craves.

She loves the attention.

She's not getting any from her husband who's ditched her on Valentine's day and now she's taking it out on everyone else.

She's clutching onto our attention instead.

Just ignore her :) she'll eventually get bored and go away.

Trust me.
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