Ôde to Bitchbutcher

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You're about as funny as Dane Cook :erk:

And just as lame.

Here's an idea. Just be yourself and stop trying to prove these points about woman and whatever else you're doing.

Just stop.

I'm sure everyone would get along with you just fine.

Ofcourse if you're unable to do that, then you're just showing us all how desperately you crave the attention your behaviour gets you.
What the fuck, people!

I'm sure sure that Bitchbutcher (What is your real name ? I don't like to call you Bitchbutcher...) is the kind of person who like to go further, and that wquestion everythng in life. That's how she act at least, and just because she's sometimes against you and that sometimes she's harsh is her method, you paint her as a slut, and somebody who lose her time, playing with stupid sexual joke...
Bitchbutcher, I'm new here.

But judging by what I've seen today it's readily apparent that you DO need and enjoy the attention your behaviour is getting you.

I was just stating, why don't you act normal instead of behaving like a 12 year old, unless that is your age then nevermind.

Just grow up please.
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