!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 OMG WTF

guys...here's a pic of the daughter of a girl I went to school with!!


and I'm emailing her to say, hey Chrisy, your daughter is gorgeous! but inside my mind I'm thinking, damn, that's a great looking girl and boy would I @@@@@ @@@ 2 @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ and then ##$$@@$%$@#$@#$% and then I think, wtf Rick is wrong with you this girl is only 15!!!! Are you some kind of lecherous perv!!!!
oh the humanities.

discuss amongst your friends here.
How young are you, lizard?
haha! two points:
1)your friend, who i would assume is the same age as you, has a 15 year old child.
2)you just posted a pic of your friend's daughter on this forum. i wouldnt be surprised if all of us were placed in a room with her, several of us would actually try and eat her.

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