I shall yousendit then. its amazing.
lagwagons old stuff is good, new stuff is shit. Its why I started listening to metal. BigWig covered slayers warensemble and strungout did bark at the moon. I was turned after that. havent listend to punk since.
lizard said:
that's just not right.
if any of you swedes want some cinnamon stuff, pm me an address. I'll rectify this wrongness toot suite.(sp)

me me me me i want i want is it free do i have to pay you im broke
lizard said:
Johanna if you want some cinnamon gum and candy pm me a mailing address. I'll mail you some stuff for free just because this secret packaging stuff has been so fun. you have to post a pic of the package when you get it tho, that's in the rules.

WEEE yes, that I can do! PM SENT!!!! well not yet but soon!
damn you people ... just got back from some supermarket shopping ... and now I am noticing weird foods and think ... that would be cool to ship.
even saw Nads beans ... the ones he rated in another thread :lol:
Erik said:
and hey doomcifer! you actually got a D in spanish in the first quarter or something! straight F's the rest of the time... "NEEDS IMPROVEMENT IN WORK HABITS" lmao. yeah i'm drinking scotch out of your hawaii shot glass atm. :kickass: and before that i drank beer, opened with your florida shark. :kickass:

It's YOURS now. :Spin:

That lil knife has some cool flip mechanism. Just push on the lil edge thing, and it flips out quicklike.
Conspicuously Absent said:
i'll see about putting together a package for you max. nothing ubercool to send you, but i'll see what I can find.

ahahaha that would be intense. I should start hording my useless crap...
Erik said:
Score Card--> Dick's?