1 year later, Fav album of 2006

What's the general opinion on "Visions of Eden" by Virgin Steele at this point? I really liked it, despite the lack of metal. Good melodies, good vocals, just generally good songs.

My favourite is possibly Celtic Frost or Summoning. Not quite sure...

I thought Visions of Eden was awesome, but I definitely have an extreme love for all things Virgin Steele. The mixing and the drum sound bothered me a little bit, but David Defeis' amazing songwriting skills really make up for it in my opinion.
It sounded ok the one or two times I listened to it, but really nothing new that I hadn't heard from VS before, and I didn't feel like I needed another 278 minutes of music from them.


David Defeis is probably not human in my opinion. He allegedly wrote nearly 60 songs when composing material for this album alone.
Hmm, at the end of the year last year my Top 10 list was:

1. Drudkh - Blood in our wells
2. Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 stars
3. Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
4. Agalloch - Ashes against the grain
5. Negura Bunget - OM
6. Enslaved - Ruun
7. Summoning - Oathbound
8. Sodom - Sodom
9. Green Carnation - Acoustic Verses
10. Ancient Rites - Rvbicon

I'd say now it'd go a little more like this:

1. Warning - Watching From a Distance
2. Drudkh - Blood in our wells
3. Ancient Rites - Rvbicon
4. Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
5. Wolves in the throne room - Diadem of 12 stars
6. Hammers of Misfortune - The Locust Years
7. Enslaved - Ruun
8. Negura Bunget - Om
9. Sodom - Sodom
10. Green Carnation - Acoustic Verses

I essentially stopped listening to Oathbound at some point early this year, and haven't gone back to it. A twist in the myth also seems to of completely dropped itself from my playlist. If I'm in the mood for some BG, I tend to grab one of the first 4, ignoring anything else. Warning came in, due in part to the RC circle jerk, and swept me away. It jumped up to number 1. I seemed to of totally passed up on The Locust Years in my initial list, and I don't know why. Must not have been thinking of it when making the list initially. Or I made it before I got the album in my hands, one or the other. Ancient Rites took a turn for the better over this year, and completely jumped up the list. Fucking hell that album makes me wanna put on some armor and battle.


Edit: Also, Ludicra's 2006 release should be on that list, but its not. Can't figure out anywhere to place it without an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I'll call it #11, though it deserves to be higher.

With Agalloch, Warning and Pagan Altar as runner ups.
Five years later, it's a two way tie:

Negură Bunget - OM
Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells

At least from the poop I've heard.

10,000 Days didn't last long in my OMG AMAZING pile. I still really like Right In Two, and there is a certain charm to the album, but it's definitely not The Autobots' Finest Hour by any stretch of the imagination.

Tempel fell down to like 5th place in The Grand Scheme of All Things Colour Haze, which means it still rules face, but they've done better before and since. So I don't often grab this one from off the shelves.

Ruun is definitely outstanding other than the first track. I like how Enslaved has passed their glory years, but still crank out amazing shit. It's just slightly less amazing than before. Of course in 10 years I'll probably only still be listening to Mardraum but WHATEVZ.

I wish I could love Ashes Against The Grain like the first feedback fadein part gets me so god damn excited to. But I only like it instead. I like it a lot, but it's no Mantle or Pale Folklore. Eh who cares it's still damn enjoyable. Plus I got that sack full of some dude's grampashes in the wee box.

Oh crap I just realized Sadly Never from Upwards of Endtime is from 2006. I just discovered that one about a year ago but I looooooooooooooove it. That one actually got me excited for straightup Metal Metal unlike anything since The August Engine. Hooray!

:hypno: is 2006