$1000 bucks...help me shopping, please!


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2007
Hello all,

I haven't posted a lot but I have been here a lot reading all the cool info posted by many talented people, and I want to take the time to say thank you all! :worship:

Now for my first Thread ever I need some feedback on gear:

Here's what I currently have and the question is what to get next, I plan on start doing mobile recordings, since I don't have a place to track as of yet:

Firestudio 2626, Digimax LT, Digital MPA Gold w/ NOS RCA tubes, Audix D6, i5 and lower end Audix Drum mic pack, AT3035, SM58 and SM57, misc. cables, stands, etc.
DAW is Cubase Studio 4, thinking about going with 6 soon, podfarm (not platinum yet), apptriga, drumagog, several freeware plugs and ampsims.

Computer is a custom built intel based PC with a DuoCore at the moment, already got a quad to drop in there with 8 gigs of RAM to go with it, need to bump from XP to Win7, that's one of the options on the shopping list.

Now, what I've been thinking:

Get a laptop and a few more mics, making things easier to move around.

Ditch the laptop idea and get mics and some plugins.

Get Win7, Cubase 6 and some mics.

Any suggestions at this point are very welcome! :headbang:

Thanks Cory, yeah forgot to mention that, I currently have a pair of mackies MR8s, they seam to be getting the job done in my room, which is not that great, haha Room treatment is something I might need to put on the list as well, build some bass traps. :)

I thought about getting a pair of SDCs, maybe some Rodes or try to snag some sure 81s used, don't know. What would you recommend?

Voice correction plugin, reamp box, pop filter, midi controller... if you want to go mobile you need a notebook and a nice headphone.
Thanks guys, keep it coming, ok, headphones already got that covered but any recommendations on headphones, just curious, I have some good Sony ones, can't think of model right now,
pop-filter got that as well, thinking about the redeye box, good call on that, MindMunch, yep on Win7 64 for the ram, iambillylange.
Anyone running a Firestudio with a non-apple notebook, please share your thoughts and make/model, the deal with the firewire chipset is what bugs me, not a lot of TI stuff left out there unless I get a card adapter.

i just bought a pair of akg k99's and so far i love them....i hate the headband on all other heaphones so i like the auto-adjust feature on these...not saying that should make or break your headphone purchase but just a personal preference of mine
Checked out the k99s, dude. Not bad, but I think the ones I'm using will do the job, for now.

How about some good budget SDCs, anyone can recommend some that won't break the bank? I've been also looking at the CAD M179s, for toms and such. I've heard someone saying they used them for OH with good results, any thoughts? I used my AT3035 as center OH/room and the result was great, maybe get another one to get the pair going? Afraid they would sound slightly different, though. humm...:loco:

You're right lolzgreg, I am spending some money on treatment for sure, I just need to get this mobile recording thing going and I might have to compromise a bit on my budget, I'm getting some bass traps built for sure, that should help my room a little bit, but some mics or a laptop would be something I might be buying too. HP NC8430 has TI FW chipset, fairly cheap on ebay, anyone using/used one for tracking?

@ ahjteam, great point there, I currently have my computer racked in an 8-space case with my interface and the digimax LT, I want to get a laptop so I can leave the desktop always hooked up at my room and rack my interface and pres, a sliding shelf for the laptop and bam, all done. I have a case for my mics, and a bag for the stands and cables and misc. on another bag, so it's fairly easy to move everything. I'm sure I can get buy just fine with a DuoCore and 4gigs of ram for tracking, even some editing and light mixing, leaving the bulk of the work for the computer at the main room.

Firestudio users, please chime in, need some feedback from someone with a laptop. :wave: