1001 Ways to Kill Rusty

I cant remember who, but credit is due to someone else for this method:
tie his major limbs up with seperate peices of rope, then with piano wire. tie them to a top of a building and push him off. makin sure the piano wire is shorter than the rope, he should be sliced into several, humourously positioned peices.
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Adam90125 said:
I cant remember who, but credit is due to someone else for this method:
tie his major limbs up with seperate peices of rope, then with piano wire. tie them to a top of a building and push him off. makin sure the piano wire is shorter than the rope, he should be sliced into several, humourously positioned peices.

I see no lake in this method....... there for it sucks.

Method: Put a particularily fine block of cheese in a sealed glass jar and sink it to the bottom of a lake. Inform Rusty that you have done so and provide him with 'dodgy' scuba equipment for it's retrival. ;)
Drop him off in Yukon Territories of Canada and then let him join a group of man-eating bears and live with them thinking he is 100% sae until Bubba the brown-nosed bear decides that he stole some of his favorite licorice and then throw him off a cliff only to make him live. Then let him find a group of cannibal hippies and make him live with them with two broken legs and a broken arm so he can't run anywhere. Then starve the hippies and make it so they have to eat each member of their clan for survival. Then make Rusty the last survivor of it and make him stay out in the winter time and try to survive. Make him finally die after he finds his love of his life and she leaves him for a Caribou.