1001 Ways to Kill Rusty

What, just like Wusty is supposed to be? :err:

*Drops an anvil on Rusty, who is standing out on the surface of....... a frozen lake!* :heh:
Lock him in a room with Profan... no that's to harsh,...ehmm...
we'll just have to let him build a bridge over a lake and then let him walk over the railing until he falls into the lake, drowns and gets eaten by the little fish swimming in it.
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Steve420 said:
Profanity, please stop posting wihtout suggestions.

Throw him out of a plane at 30000 feet without any proper equipment :)

....into a lake? :confused: (Remember, there always has to be a lake ;) )

NaTaSMAI said:

Coat him in honey, dip him in fruit loops, and send him to KPR.

Which reminds me.........

Dip Rusty in honey and throw him to the Lemesbians. :grin:

(It's a 'lake' of honey. :rolleyes: )
Spike said:
54. Buy him a pair of fashionable 'cement boots' ;)

You could also duct tape huge baloons to his feet, so that when he's underwater, he can't get his head up above the surface. Same end result.

Of course for this to work, you have to throw him in a lake.
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Get the entire world to stop believing that he exists, and wait for him to fade out of existence. After determining that this kind of metaphysical crap doesn't work outside of the book The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, throw him in a lake.
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Hog-tie him and drag him up to the edge of a cliff overseeing a lake.

Set the lake on fire.

have him dangling over the edge of the cliff by his tippy toes and the rope until the heat from the fire makes him start to sweat.

Pretend to losen your grip on the rope.

And finally..............

...............club him over the head with a spiked 2x4.... like a baby seal ('cos this far into the thread.... and all the lead up with 'dangling by his pinky's and stuff, he'll never see the club comin' :heh: )

Hell, he'd prolly even be dissapointed. ;)

Throw his body in the lake.