1001 Ways to Kill Rusty

Rusty said:
You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that, Spike.

55. Cast him into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.

Well since you feel that way Rusty........ ;)

#83 (For those paying attention :p )

*Hugs Rusty*

*Squeezes a little harder* Cos Rusty is like a BIG SOFT TEDDY BEAR! :grin:

*A little harder* :heh:

*Ribs creak*

A little harder.....

*Breaks a couple of ribs* :)

A little harder.....

*Bursts a lung* :grin:

*Puts Rusty down* :wave:
85. Force him to fellate a male dolphin, thus damaging his throat from the dolphin's powerful ejaculate and getting his spine snapped by the dolphin's final thrust.
I think we may have just found the new:


IN BED! :heh: "

Where was Rusty last night when he was sleeping? :Smug:

IN BED!!!! :heh:

IN A LAKE!!!! :heh: (Where we put him ;) )
I knife in Rusty's guts it's all come to this, a knife in Rusty's guts, he crumples and twists, he's grabbing my arm, he tries to resist, a knife in Rusty's guts, IT'S ALL COME TO THIS!!!

courtosy of GWAR!!!!!!