
Maria!!!! Glad to hear! Can't wait till you get your internet connection back...

Sadly, though, no more drunken nights with the sauna :p



Glad you're settled into Uni though. I always knew you would. :D
Welcome back!
(sorry I'm late) :)
Well that sucks duckattack
Same here,well almost same here.
But I was looking for an exchange thing there cause it would be cool going there with a scholarship and all.
manuelgv said:
Well that sucks duckattack
Same here,well almost same here.
But I was looking for an exchange thing there cause it would be cool going there with a scholarship and all.
Helsinki seems like a great place to live, which is another reason I felt really bad leaving. Even though I went there in the winter and it was cold and dark most of the time, I still really liked it. Lots of good record stores, the buses and trains are really easy to get around with, and of course great bands! Oh well, it was nice while it lasted, I guess.
duckattack said:
Helsinki seems like a great place to live, which is another reason I felt really bad leaving. Even though I went there in the winter and it was cold and dark most of the time, I still really liked it. Lots of good record stores, the buses and trains are really easy to get around with, and of course great bands! Oh well, it was nice while it lasted, I guess.

Yeah,I don't think I would have as much fun there as I do in Mexico city because I am used to big ass cities.But one day I am gonna leave this place for a while and I would like my destination to be Finland.It's a beautiful country and what better way to get really deep into Scandinavian culture than living there?