11 year old kid plays Inferno


Nov 17, 2005

pretty awesome for such a young kid!

someone really needs to send that to MJR he would get a kick out of it.

I love the last part where he goes Symphony X!
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I'll admit he has the potential but his timing was way off. At that level he shouldn't be playing it at 100% speed, he should be practicing it slower and gradually moving up in speed.
you guys are silly trying to judge an 11 year old kid playing Symphony X "YE HE SHOULD MAYBE TRY AND PLAY IT A LITTLE BETTER"
He looked like he was having some picking trouble. Maybe that's just the fact that his arms are short and still 11 years old.
Would it make any difference if he was 30 years old and had played for a year or two? His playing is sloppy and far away compared to the skill of MJR.

Nevertheless, it's nice to hear that eleven year old kid has come over the obstacles to play with a real size guitar. If he concentrates on this stuff and grows up physically he will be a real shredder in no time. I started to play guitar when I was 17 and it took me several years to undestand what is the difference to play fast compared to play accurately.

And nowadays I tend to play slower than ever before. Yngwai X said once (if I remember correctly) that speed is surplus of accuracy. I agree. Any other way to achieve speed will produce sloppy playing.
Jesus, guys... Bitch much?

Sure, maybe he can't play as well as you, but it's an 11 year old kid wanting to play Symphony X. That on it's own is fantastic!

What were you doing when you were 11? Hopefully he'll be feeding us all our lunches when he's our age.
actually, he's much faster than me. but i destroy him utterly in the realm of expression.

rather i find it a snoozefest that people actually care about these kinds of things. 2 year old plays hendrix!!! etc, etc. wake me up when he writes a symphony that's on par with Mozart.
Somebody woke up with sand in their vagina. Can't you at least give the kid credit for being inspired to practice something like guitar so much at 11?
Yikes...loosen up a bit and realize that he's putting effort into an instrument. You may not enjoy the technical aspect of guitar (and if you don't, why the hell do you even listen to Symphony X?), but this little guy definitely does and he's putting his heart and soul into that instrument; give him credit for at least that. I know when I was 11 the only thing I was doing was playing SNES and sledding down the biggest hills I could find.

A kick ass video, and it was just goofy as hell watching someone play that song lefty...it's so upside down to what I'm used to seeing.
Somebody woke up with sand in their vagina. Can't you at least give the kid credit for being inspired to practice something like guitar so much at 11?
that's like giving a kid credit for memorizing digits of Pi. when the novelty wears off, you realize that he's done pretty much jack. Credit goes to Archimedes et al.

I'm just not impressed by this sort of novelty. If the kid had written an amazing song (as I implied with my previous post) I might have been interested. As a sidenote, if those who cannot comprehend how someone would find this boring feel that we should not be listening to SX, I emplore you to explain in what way SX is purely technical novelty as this video clearly is.

Dare I need to clarify again, I am not agitated by the kid and his 'skills' but rather that people happen to make a big deal about it.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm pretty much on the same page as NegativeVolume here. You refuse to give him credit because it's what you don't like? Seriously, it's one thing to see some randon dude post their video of Inferno or something, but the kid's 11 years old. Give him credit at least for showing his dedication to the instrument at his age. He may not be a songwriting god yet, but at least when he gets to the point where he's in AP Music Theory classes and he's composing stuff that you're looking for, at least he'll have the chops to be able to add a little kick to it.
my point, once again, is that chops are not impressive. it's machinery. it's not creativity. i could program a robot to do that and would you guys gush over it?

you want me to give him props for memorizing a pattern at 11? like i said, this is just like memorizing pi. nothing is being invented or discovered or shown in any way other than pattern recognition and memory. that i find it boring is due to my comprehension of this base fact.